The Main screen within Portal Settings contains functionality for customizing the
Main screen of the portal. The Main screen is the default home page for users. For additional help on how to utilize this functionality, click
the Newsfeed is a part of the Main screen that broadcasts information to users. Newsfeed items are comprised of Date/Time, Headline, Description, and Story.
Items can be added using the Add button, and deleted using the Delete button. Double-clicking a Newsfeed item will display the Newsfeed Detail screen.
Newsfeed Detail:
the Newsfeed Detail screen allows you to input text into each component of the opened Newsfeed item. Start Dates and Stop Dates can also be configured on the bottom of this screen for Display. Choosing Immediately will display the Newsfeed item immediately
upon save. Choosing a stop date of None will keep the Newsfeed item up on the Portal until the item is deleted or a stop date is entered. Here you may also set a future Publish Date and Publish Time for the Newsfeed item, or change to using the Current Date/Time.
Display Portal Summary for Participants:
checking the Display Portal Summary for Participants box will display Participant-specific information on the Main page.
Please note that these items cannot be further customized. Instead, if a user wishes to add more customization to the Main page, they should enable Formula Derived Items to be displayed on the home screen. For help on how to enable Formula Derived Items to be displayed on the home screen, click here.
Check the Display Newsfeed Above Summary to order the items so that the Summary items selected here will be situated below the Newsfeed. The following information can be displayed in the Summary:
- Benefit Summary: displays a Participant's accrued benefit information. This includes current accrued benefit at payment frequency, vesting percentage, vesting status, retirement status, and reduced benefit at benefit frequency.
- Beneficiary Information: displays a participant's primary beneficiary information. Alternate beneficiaries are not displayed.
- Lump Sum Amount: displays a Participant's lump sum amount, determined by the plan's lump sum provisions.
- Login Information: displays the login email and last login time.
- Personal Information: display's a Participant's basic information such as Date of Birth and Date of Hire.
- Normal Retirement Date: displays a participant's NRD, determined by the plan's NRD designation in the Benefit Payment Set Provision.
- Address Information: displays a participant's address information.
- Benefit Statement Link: displays a button that links to a PDF file of the participant's most recently created benefit statement. This button will only display if there has been already been a benefit statement created in DBP.
- Vesting/Credited Service: displays a participant's current service, determined by the plan's service definitions.
- Plan Highlights Link: displays a button that links to a PDF file of the participant's most recently created plan highlights. This button will only display if there has been a plan highlights file created.