Portal Settings - Calculate
The Calculate screen displays parameters that may be used to define terms for benefit calculations on the Internet Portal.
Screen Items
  • Enable Benefit Calculation button for the following User Types: checking this box will display a button on the drop-down menu that allows the specified user type (choose to enable for Participants and/or Sponsor Contacts/Administrators) to perform a Benefit Calculation using the Portal.
  • Prohibit calculation/payment start dates that precede the following: you may choose to prohibit calculation and/or payment dates prior to some date by checking the corresponding checkbox. This date can be a Fixed Date, or it can be the Current Date. If applicable, select the rounding Type and Unit to be applied to the Current Date.
  • Terms and Conditions Required Before Calculating: This allows you to require that a user agrees to Terms and Conditions designated on this screen. If this option is checked, a checkbox with the following text will populate at the end of the Benefit Calculation screen: I understand and agree to the following Terms and Conditions. Terms and Conditions hyperlinks to a dialogue box that contains the text box input. All three text box inputs are displayed on the same dialogue box. Choose whether Participants, Sponsor Contacts, or both must agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  • User Defined Rates: User Defined Rates are components of a Plan that can be defined by a user. These variables will display on the Benefit Calculation screen with other variables that are required as defined in the Worktrack settings. The name of the variable, along with minimum, maximum, and default value, can be set on this screen. Note: these rates are not used in most plans in DBP, and are not necessary unless explicitly referenced in the coding of your plan. Use the User Values button to add more values if needed.
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