The main page of the portal is the first screen that most users will see when the first log in. Settings for this screen can be found by selecting Tools - Portal Settings - Main from the main ribbon.
Here are some items to be aware of during setup:
- Alerts: this area displays Worktrack alerts for the user that has logged in. It only displays for Sposnor Contact and Administrator logins, not for participants.
- Portal Summary: this optional section displays additional information such as accrued benefit, vesting information, early/late retirement amounts, and lump sum.
These amounts will not display for a participant however if either 1) the accrued benefit upon log in equals $0, 2) NRD on the latest snapshot is invalid, or 3) Latest snapshot status is retired, beneficiary, cashout, or death.
- Newsfeed*: the Newsfeed allows for stories and items related to the plan sponsor's pension to be published. It is common, when the portal is initially released, that a Newsfeed story is created that describes portal features.
* Please note that there are some limited JavaScript and html items that can be added to the text that is within the Newsfeed items as follows:
Bolded Text: this can be added by bracketing text with <b> and </b>. For example: <b>This text will all appear bolded</b> Will display as: This text will all appear bolded
Popup Links: to add a popup link, add a link reference and javascript command. For example: To go to the PensionSoft Website, click <a href="JavaScript:newPopupMenu('');">here</a> Will display as: To go to the PensionSoft Website, click here