Step 2: Enable Internet Portal and Review General Settings

Now that you have received the questionnaire back from the Sponsor, it is time to enable the Internet Portal for the Sponsor and review the default Portal Settings that are created by DB Precision upon doing this.

  1. Open the Sponsor Basic Information Screen: open the Sponsor in DB Precision and then double-click on the Sponsor Name to open the Sponsor Basic Information screen.
  2. Enable the Internet Portal: check the box "Enable Internet Portal" and then press the OK button. A message will appear indicating that default portal settings have been created. Press OK on this message and then make sure to save the Plan Sponsor.
  3. Open Internet Portal Settings Screen: select Tools - Portal Settings from the main ribbon.
  4. Review General Settings: Review the following items:
    1. Portal Name: if this has been supplied by the sponsor use this, otherwise use a default portal name.
    2. Support Email: if the sponsor will be handling portal email support enter the address supplied by the sponsor on the questionnaire. Otherwise enter your own portal support email address. If email support is not to be provided, then leave this entry blank.
    3. Support Phone: similar to email above, if the sponsor will be handling portal phone support enter the number supplied by the sponsor on the questionnaire. Otherwise enter your own portal support phone number. If phone support is not to be provided, then leave this entry blank.
    4. Logo File Name: if you are using a default logo file (usually for your own company), enter that file name here (ex. LogoABC.png). If instead you are using a custom logo file (specific to the sponsor), obtain a logo file either directly from the sponsor or online, and then send the file to PensionSoft. Ideally, this file should be a .png format and be as high resolution as possible. We will then convert the file to the format that is required for the portal and then supply you with the file name to use.
    5. Company Code: this item controls where participants are re-directed upon logout and should match the company code that is used for participant logins. This is usually the same for all of your portal customers, but if a sponsor is to have its own custom login and company code, then this code should be entered here. To create a custom company code, you will need to contact PensionSoft and supply them with the sponsor name and portal name along with support number and support email if applicable. PensionSoft will then supply you with the company code to use and enter here.

      Your company code may be used to access the portal login page that displays your logo and portal name. For a sponsor with a Company Code of "abc", the link would be as follows:
    6. Document View/Upload: use these checkboxes to indicate the level of access to documents being allowed for participants and sponsors (no access, view access, or upload/edit access).
    7. Page Description Headers*: use these boxes to provide special descriptions or help for each screen listed.
  5. * Please note that there are some limited javascript and html items that can be added to the text that is within the Page Description Headers as follows:

    Bolded Text: this can be added by bracketing text with <b> and </b>. For example: <b>This text will all appear bolded</b> Will display as: This text will all appear bolded

    Popup Links: to add a popup link, add a link reference and javascript command. For example: To go to the PensionSoft Website, click <a href="JavaScript:newPopupMenu('');">here</a> Will display as: To go to the PensionSoft Website, click here

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