The following is a list of all of the screens that are available when editing a Plan Sponsor:
- Plan Document: contains basic Plan Document information such as plan name and number. Multiple Plan Documents are possible within a Plan Sponsor.
- Sponsor Contact: used to enter information such as name and address for contacts of a Plan Sponsor. Multiple contacts are permitted.
A Reported Amount is a unique data item created for this Plan Sponsor which is loaded into the system either from time to time or at regular intervals. Examples include earnings, hours worked, and frozen accrued benefits. Standard data items such as name, sex, address, and retiree benefit information, as well as Historical Dates like date of hire and date of termination are not Reported Amounts.
- Import Definition: used to define the basic rules for loading data (i.e., Person information) into DB Precision using a specific import file.
- Import Row: details the actual layout for a row of data within the import file. This is also known as the Import Provision Screen.
- Sponsor Import Wizard: helps speed up the process of creating an Import Row/Provision by allowing for quicker selection of fields or by analyzing the header of an existing file for possible import items.
- Person Worksheet: used to define a customized spreadsheet view of the data for viewing, editing, or exporting from the system.
- Task Definition: for creating the structure for a Worktrack Task, including task steps, email notifications, and web portal access rights. The Task Wizard is a useful tool to simplify this process.
- Text Conversion Definition: allows users to define numeric to text conversion and then use them in the sponsor and plan document to convert between values and text. Conversions can be defined using manual entry or by importing from a file.
- Sponsor Archive Detail: after adding a new Sponsor Archive, use the Detail Screen to make changes to the archive, including adding documents.
- Employers/Groups: allows users to enter names and corresponding numeric codes for individual employers within a multiemployer Sponsor.
- Contracts: allows users to enter names and corresponding numeric codes for contracts within a multiemployer Sponsor.
- Sponsor Amounts: define effective period and display settings for Sponsor Amounts, which are used in programming when an amount is valid within a specified date range and applies to the entire Sponsor.
- Sponsor Amounts List: used to view, add, and remove values for Sponsor Amounts. Right-click on a particular Sponsor Amount and select View Amounts to open this screen.
- Contribution Funds: automate invoices to Employers based on the determined contribution amounts.