The Import Definition Screen is used to define the basic rules for loading data (i.e., Person information) into DB Precision using a specific import file.
Import Row (i.e., Import Provision) screen provides the detailed layout for a row of data. For files with more than one layout, the user should set up multiple Import Rows/Provisions. Generally speaking, this is uncommon and there is usually only one.
- Description: space to provide a description for the Import Definition.
- File Type: select the format of the file(s) being imported from the choices below.
- Space Delimited: indicates that the file from which data is to be imported contains data fields that are space delimited. Space delimited files have a fixed number of characters for each row with each data element residing in the same range of columns. For example, SSN for a Person may exist in columns 1-9, first name may exist in rows 10-19, etc.
When creating an import definition for such a file, you must specify the start column and end column for each field (start column = 10, end column = 19 for first name in the example above). Any trailing spaces within the field will be automatically removed by the system prior to import.
- Character Delimited: indicates that the file from which data is to be imported contains data fields that are separated by a character, such as a comma or tab. If this file type is selected, you must also specify the delimiting character.
- Spreadsheet: indicates that the file from which data is to be imported is from a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel. If this file type is selected, you must indicate which spreadsheet application was used to produce the file. The data should all be contained in a single sheet and any header should be removed.
- Multiple Import Layout Information: use this section to indicate that an import file uses multiple layouts. This is particularly common with files received from payroll vendors. Such files must contain a layout identifier (usually a letter or number) that identifies which layout is being used for each row of data. In addition, a separate Import Row (i.e., Import Provision) will need to be created to provide the specifics of each layout.
Check the box Import file contains more than one layout if the import uses multiple layouts. Enter the Layout ID Starting Column and Layout ID Ending Column for space delimited files to specify the starting and ending column of the layout identifier. For files that are character delimited, enter the column number of the layout identifier in the Layout ID Starting Column space.