The Sponsor Import Wizard Screen allows you to speed up the process of creating an Import Row/Provision by allowing for quicker selection of fields or by analyzing the header of an existing file for possible import items.
- Items to Select & Selected Items: use these two areas to manually select data fields for import. Select items from the Items to Select list on the left and move them to the Selected Items list on the right by finding the applicable item on the list, clicking/highlighting it, and then pressing the blue Add-> button. Fields to be included in the import should be stacked in the Selected Items list in the same left-to-right order that they appear in the import file.
To remove an item from the selected list on the right, click/highlight it and then press the blue <-Remove button. An alternative method for moving an item from one list to the other is by simply double clicking on it. To select multiple fields at once, hold the Ctrl key while clicking/highlighting the items.
Use the drop down box at the top of the Items to Select area to filter the list of items for selection into a size that is easier to navigate based upon the type of field you wish to add. This filtering process helps facilitate the creation of the layout by speeding up the selection of fields. Choose from the following categories: Name Information, Basic Information, Address Information, Historical Dates, Beneficiary Information, Withholding Information, Benefit Payment Information, SSA Information, or Reported Amounts.
Note that for Reported Amounts, an additional screen will appear upon clicking the green "check" button for you to specify the period(s) being import. A period corresponds to an effective date/stop date combination. Through the use of this screen, it is possible to add multiple periods to the import layout for a Reported Amount at one time.
- Analyze Existing Import File: check this box and to analyze an existing file for possible import items. If this is selected, then you must also provide the name of the existing file either by typing the complete file path or by clicking the Find button to navigate to the file to be analyzed.