The Employers Screen is used to enter information for individual employers within a multiemployer Sponsor.
Screen Items
  • Mapping of Employer Codes and Names: displays employer names and codes for all employers in the multiemployer set.

    • Employer ID: numeric identifiers of employers.
    • Name: full name that identifies employers found on list.
    • Shortened Name: optional shortened version of employer name.
    • EIN: optional Employer Identification Number. Check the Unknown box if the EIN will not be included.
  • Add: plus-sign button that creates an additional employer on the list.
  • Delete: minus-sign button that removes selected employer from list.
  • Excel: creates an Excel spreadsheet of employer and code list.
  • Delete All: deletes all employer mappings. Close dialog box without saving to undo.
  • Import: initiate the process of bringing in employer information for a given sponsor. Files uploaded must be a .csv file with two columns: employer name and code.
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