The Sponsor Basic Information Screen is used to enter general information for the Plan Sponsor such as EIN and name.
Employer Identification Number (EIN):
uniquely identifies a Plan Sponsor from others in the database. This is a required field. Enter the federal tax identification number (i.e., EIN) for the new Plan Sponsor as filed on their Form 5500. If the sponsor does not have an EIN or if you are unable to obtain it, the suggested convention is to use an internally assigned client number, pre-filled with the digit "9" if the client number is less than 9 digits in length. For example, if you do not know the EIN for the client 1234, you would specify the EIN as 99-9991234.
To change the EIN for an existing Plan Sponsor, you must first check the Change box and then enter the new EIN.
- Client/Reference Number: can be used to provide an alternative way of identifying a Plan Sponsor. Typically, it is filled with an internally assigned client number. Note that this value may contain numbers, characters and letters.
- Sponsor Name: enter the Plan Sponsor's full company or organization name here.
- Shortened Name: use this field to enter an abbreviated name for the Plan Sponsor.
- Business Activity Code: used to enter the business code for the Plan Sponsor if available. Activity codes are based on the North American Industry Classification System.
- Profit Type: specifies whether a Plan Sponsor is a for-profit, government, or non-profit organization.
- Enable Internet Portal: checking this box turns on the web portal capabilities for this Plan Sponsor.
- Enable Dynamic Snapshots: checking this box turns on dynamic snapshots for this Plan Sponsor. When this checkbox is enabled, the internet controller will run a snapshot automatically at midnight each day. This ensures that Person Worksheets will be updated daily with the latest calculated values.
- Enable Benefit Payment Services using DB Precision: checking this box turns on Benefit Payment Services, which requires additional license permissions. The Configure button opens the Benefit Payment Service Provider details.
- Define Reported Amount numeric to text conversion for additional identifiers: define up to two numeric to text conversion mappings for additional identifiers of Reported Amounts. The Configure button opens the list of numeric values and text conversions. See the Text Conversion Definitions help topic for more information.
- Prohibit external crossover participant shared data changes: when this checkbox is checked, changes made in a different Plan Sponsor will not be allowed to carry over to the current Sponsor when a participant exists in more than one Sponsor.
- Allow hire date to be unknown when only Reported Amounts are provided: this checkbox allows a new participant to be created even without a hire date or benefit payment. This box should only be checked if client data is incomplete.
- System Users Assigned to Sponsor: include here all System Users that work with this Plan Sponsor. To add a user, click the "+" button and enter the requested information.
- System User Settings: double-click an added user to update identifying information and email notifications.
- Default Output Folder: identifies a default location for files to be exported and saved for this Plan Sponsor. The folder specified here is the one opened when you select the Default Folder icon on the Home ribbon menu. It is also an often used default file location on various Plan Sponsor and Plan Document screens.