The Reported Amount Screen is used to detail the specific features of a Reported Amount.
- Period: details the period of time for which the amount is reported. The Effective Date is the start of the first period an amount may be entered in the data and the Stop Date is the end date of the period for the last amount. If the Plan Sponsor continues to report the amount, check the None box for the stop date.
- Reporting Frequency/Period Start: use to indicate the frequency with which an amount is reported by the Plan Sponsor. Choices include recurring periods such as Annual or Monthly, or non-recurring. For recurring amounts, you must indicate the Month and Day the recurring periods start in the Period Start section.
- Description: enter a detailed description of the Reported Amount.
Amount Type: select the type of Reported Amount being created from the choices in the drop down box, as described below.
- Service Reported: for amounts that represent service reported as of some date.
- Hours Worked: for amounts that represent hours reported.
- Earnings Paid: for amounts that represent actual compensation for a period of time. Do not use for a rate of pay.
- Rate of Pay: use if amount is a rate of pay.
- Employee Contribs (pre-tax): for employee contributions that will be subject to taxation upon participant receipt.
- Employee Contribs (post-tax): for employee contributions that have already been taxed or are not subject to future taxation.
- Employee Contribs (interest): for amounts that represent interest on prior employee contributions as of some date (taxable).
- 401(k)/403(b) Contribution: for contributions to a defined contribution type plan.
- 401(k)/403(b) Interest: for interest in a defined contribution type plan.
- Location Code: for Plan Sponsor division or location codes.
- Miscellaneous Amount: for amounts not otherwise described above.
- Rate of Hours Worked: use if amount is a rate of hours worked.
- Employer Code: use for amounts that represent Employer Code for multi-employer plans.
- Contract Code: use for amounts that represent Contract Code for multi-employer plans.
- Social Security Earnings: use for amounts that represent Social Security Earnings. Social Security Earnings can be reported prior to date of hire, unlike the Earnings Paid Reported Amount type.
- Status Override: user for amounts that represent a Valuation Status Override. Status Override Reported Amounts can be associated to one or more Plans within the Sponsor in the Plan Document screen.
- Employee Identifier: an employee code or other value used to identify participants.
Val Extract:
click the blue Val Extract button and fill out the resulting screen to indicate if you wish to include this Reported Amount in the valuation extract file.
To include this field in the extract, select the column it should be displayed in and enter the label you wish to use in the Column Header box. Up to 20 Reported Amounts are possible. If the Reported Amount does not need to be included, make sure no column is selected here.
The system will extract the most recent value of the Reported Amount as of the extract date.
- Required Indicator: check the box Amount is a required item for each Person if an amount should exist for each Person. By checking this box, the system can run a validation that identifies those Persons with a missing amount.
Additional Identifiers (Primary, Secondary, Third):
used to indicate that this Reported Amount is stored with one or more Additional Identifiers. You must then specify the identifier fields. Primary, Secondary, and Third Additional Identifiers are all available.
Most Reported Amounts are stored using effective date as the primary identifier. By indicating that there are additional identifiers, amounts can be stored not only by effective date but also by these additional identifiers. For example, if a sponsor needed to have compensation stored by location code where two locations could report compensation with the same effective date, you would indicate that there was an additional identifier, location code.
Termination Date Cap:
by checking the box Amount effective/stop dates capped at Termination Dates, you are telling DB Precision to adjust any amounts that have effective or stop dates that are greater than termination date so that these dates fit within the employment period when calculating items relating to that amount.
For example, if a Reported Amount was provided with a stop date that was the end of the Plan Year following termination rather than the termination date itself, checking this box would cause the system to adjust the stop date to be equal to termination date when using this amount.
When this box is checked, you can use the blue Dates button to select certain exceptions to this rule. Here, you can select the specific types of termination dates (e.g., Terminated - No Reason Given, Disabled - Short-term, etc.) for which the system will not cap the Reported Amount effective and stop dates. If certain date types are selected here, the effective/stop dates for all other types of termination dates will be capped accordingly. To select multiple date types, click on multiple items on the list while holding the Ctrl key.
Ignore all amounts after Calc Date when calculating: check this box if any amounts after the entered calculation date should be ignored when calculating. This checkbox will not apply to any reported amounts with a type of Employee DB Contribs (interest), in order to allow for interest amounts that are reported after a person has terminated.
Portal Settings: use the Portal button to edit and/or enable display of the Reported Amount on the Internet Portal.
- Amount Range: use to specify the range of allowable values for the Reported Amount by entering a minimum and/or a maximum value. If there is no minimum or maximum, check the None box to indicate that there is no corresponding limit.
Change Range Corridor:
use to specify the minimum and maximum change for a Reported Amount when compared to the prior amount reported for a Person. Changes that fall outside this range become one of the data validations produced. Check the None box if there is no limit on changes.
Note that amounts should be entered as ratios. For example, 120% should be entered as “1.2”.
- Amount Display: details the format to be used when displaying the Reported Amount. Includes entries for Category (such as Number or Currency), Decimal Places to indicate the number of decimal shown, Use 1000 separator (,) to indicate if you wish to format numbers using commas, Symbol to indicate if you wish to include a symbol such as a $ in the display, and Negative Numbers to detail the format for displaying negative numbers.
- Conversion: use the Conversion button to convert numeric values stored in the system to text for display purposes whenever this Reported Amount is viewed. For example, if location code is stored using a numeric value of 1 indicating police and 2 fire, one could specify a mapping between the numeric codes and the applicable text here. The data would contain the numeric values 1 and 2, but the system would display the text Police and Fire whenever this data item is viewed.