To export benefit calculation results for an individual participant, do the following:
- Check Benefit Calculation: if you have not already done so, you should first run the benefit calculation for the Person. To learn more on doing this, click here
- Export the Results: select Home - Export on the Home Tab to open the Calculate Screen. Provide a Calculation Date (equal to termination or estimated termination date), Payment Start Date, Small Benefit Cashout Date, and Account Determination Date (if applicable). Select from the Export Definition box in the top-left, the name of the Export Definition to use for the export. Then press OK to export the calculation results.
- Review/Print Calculation Output: after you export from DB Precision, a Word document should open up. Select from the Word Ribbon Mailings - Finish & Merge to execute the mail merge. Save the merged document (you should not save the mail merge document template) and then print from within Word.