Step 14: Creating Initial Users

When creating users for a plan sponsor, you will potentially need to modify login access for administrators, sponsor contacts, and participants.

  1. Administrators: for all internal DB Precision users that should have portal access to a sponsor (for Worktrack, testing, or client support), the user must be added as a Sponsor User on the Basic Information screen (under System Users Assigned to Sponsor).
  2. Sponsor Contacts: for all sponsors contacts that are to have portal access, a Sponsor Contact needs to be configured in DB Precision.
    1. Worktrack Access: by double clicking on the Sponsor Contact within the sponsor, you will see a section dealing with Worktrack Task Access. Here, you can decide whether that user should get notified when a task is created or completed as well as whether that user can cancel tasks or put them on/off hold.
    2. Limited Participant Access: using this section of the Sponsor Contact detail screen, you can specify whether access should be limited for that contact to a particular group (based upon a group code Reported Amount).
    3. Creating User ID/Password: for information on how to create a user ID and password for a sponsor, read our guide in the Portal Security Overview section.
  3. Participants: user ID and password or registration number can be created for all sponsor participants or an individual participant as follows:
    1. Individual Participant: for information on how to create a user ID and password for a participant, read our guide in the Portal Security Overview section.
    2. Multiple Participants: to create registration codes for all participants, , read our guide in the Portal Security Overview section.
    3. Registration: when using registration for participant, users are provided a registration number which can be entered on the portal's registration page by participants along with their SSN and date of birth to create a user ID and password. The portal's registration page is:

      where CompanyCode is equal to the Company Code listed in the General tab of the Internet Portal Settings for the Sponsor. This is the recommended method for providing portal access to participants because not only does it provide users more choice by allowing them to choose their own user ID, but this method is also more secure because the combination of plain text user ID and password should no longer being provided in a single communication.

      Note: Portal Registration Codes do not expire. However, they will become invalid after 5 unsuccessful attempts.
    4. Sending Via Email or Mail: it is recommended that User ID and password not be provided through email unless the email will all be sent within the sponsor's network and never exist outside the sponsor's firewall. Instead, it is recommended that this information be sent through regular mail using a mail merge that includes the User ID and password generated from this screen.

      When mailing registration numbers, both email and regular mail are fine because the registration number is useless if intercepted without the SSN and DOB (neither of these should ever be contained in any communication of registration number).

      Sometimes a combination of email and regular mail must be used, especially if terminated vested participants will have access (because sponsors rarely have email addresses for terminated vested participants).
    5. Blast Emails: the easiest way to set up a blast email is to create a Mail Merge document in Word which contains registration number, wording that welcomes the new user, and a link to the registration page (including company code styling). This Word document can then be used to send emails by choosing Mailings - Finish & Merge - Send Email Messages. The email will then be sent using the Outlook account for the user running the merge. It is recommended that the plan sponsor run this merge from within their own network if possible by providing them with the Word document and data source.

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