The Open Screen is used to open different items in DB Precision. To open a recently opened item, choose from the Recent list found on the File Menu. To open any other item, select Browse and then the item type. This will launch the Open Menu.
Screen Items
  • Item Type: the radio button selected at the top of the screen (Sponsor, Plan Document, Person, etc.) determines which item type will be opened.
  • Navigation List: the navigation list directly below the Item Type buttons shows the user their exact location within the menu and allows for backtracking through list selections.
  • Up Button: press this button to go back one step in your menu selections.
  • Search Bar: use this area to search for a particular item or Person. The search results depend on the Item Type button selected; for example, if the Plan Document button has been selected, then all search results will be Plan Document names. If a particular sponsor has been selected then only items within the sponsor will be searched. There is a three letter minimum to all searches, and Person names must be searched using only last name or last name, first name format.
  • Item List: the item list displays information for all possible items to open. When opening a Sponsor, Plan Document, Person, or Worksheet, the list will initially display all Sponsors.
  • Item List Headers: click on the header of a column in the item list to alphanumerically sort the search results by this column. The arrow that appears beside the header text indicates whether the items are being sorted ascending or descending.
  • Open Read-Only: check this box to open an item read-only (this is generally used if another user needs write-access to an item). To learn more, click here.
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