The Valuation Tab of the Ribbon contains the following items:
Create Request: allows the User to create a Data Request for the selected Sponsor.
Valuation Snapshots: allows for the creation, rerun, or deletion of a Valuation Snapshot for the selected Sponsor or Plan.
Match Report: tool to analyze the data reported by a Sponsor and compare it to a prior snapshot to determine if there were people that were not reported by the Sponsor. View help on the Match Report here.
Data Capture: capture all participant data and derived items needed for participant liability determination as of a measurement date.
Calculate: determine participant liabilities using captured data for actuarial valuation.
Lifecount Reconciliation: creates a Lifecount Reconciliation report for two valuation snapshots.
Term Vested Due Payment: displays a listing of participants that are terminated vested but past the expected benefit payment start date. View help on the Term Vested Due Payment function here.
Form 8955-SSA: creates a listing of information needed for reporting on Form 8955-SSA.
Other Reports: generates a printable document with information for other common Database Reports, including Benefit Payments and Minimum Distributions.