Form 8955-SSA

This screen creates listings of individuals that should be reported annually on the Form 8955-SSA based upon the data stored for a sponsor. This includes not only Add records but also Delete and Change records.

You will only be able to open this screen from within a Plan Sponsor or Plan Document tab. To see the individuals that need to be reported on the form (will appear in the Results section), you should provide the following values and then press the Update button.

If you agree with the results, you can create an Excel file containing this information by checking the View in Excel checkbox and pressing OK. Furthermore, if you also check the box Save to participant records, this information will be stored for future reference and use. The file that is created matches the format required by the ftwilliam 5500 software so if you use this for Form 5500 filings, it is easy to submit this information.

Screen Items
  • Plan Number: choose the 3-digit plan number for the plan that is being filed.
  • Plan Year: select the Plan Year for the filing.
  • Years to Report: check Current for current year (if activity for the current Plan Year is to be reported) and/or Prior for prior year (if activity for the prior Plan Year is to be reported).
  • Update Button: press this button to update the Results section based upon other screen inputs.
  • Results Section: shows all information to be reported.
  • View in Excel: check this box to view the results in Excel (must also then press OK).
  • Save to participant records: check this box once you are sure of the results in order to store each individual's results to the DB Precision database (must also then press OK).
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