File Menu
The File Menu contains the following items (see below for screenshot):
  • New: allows the user to create a new item (Person, Plan, User or User Group). Note that only Users designated to be System Administrators can create Users or User Groups.
  • Open: use this section to open an item.

    • Recent: displays items that have been recently opened and allows user to reopen by selection of that item in this list. The number of items displayed on this list can be controlled by pressing the 'Options' button (see below).
    • Browse: allows the user to open any existing item using the Open screen.
  • Save: saves any pending changes for the currently active tab.
  • Save All: saves any pending changes for all opened tabs.
  • Print: prints information for the currently active tab.
  • Close: closes the currently active tab. This can also be done by pressing the 'x' on the active tab.
  • Close All: closes all tabs.
  • Disconnect from Server: disconnects the user that is currently logged in.
  • Options Button: displays the Options screen which allows users to set certain system preferences.
  • Exit: closes DB Precision. This can also be done by pressing 'x' on the main window.
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