Exporting group results is very similar to exporting results for an individual person. The only difference is that when processing an export for a group, it must be done within a plan document rather than from within a person.
A filter can be specified to allow you to limit the participants who will have information exported. For example, if you are doing annual benefit statements, you might only export for active participants.
To export calculation results for a plan, do the following:
Check that the number of records produced matches the number you were expecting based upon the filter specified (if any).
For the filter, you may be able to write a formula that is based upon existing data. For an early retirement window for example, you might write a formula based upon service and/or date of birth).
Sometimes however, this is not possible. If that is the case, you can always create a Reported Amount that serves as an indicator for export eligibility, set this value to '1' for eligible participants (using a Person Worksheet or import), and then write a filter to only export for those people who have this indicator.