Assumptions Overview

When running calculations where either Reported Amounts, government-published values, or interest rates are unknown, assumptions must be made to project those values.

Assumption Definitions (defined in the Plan Sponsor) can be used to explicitly define the assumptions to be used.

If a calculation is run without using an Assumption Definition, DB Precision will set default values for those assumptions which can be viewed and changed for that calculation on the Projection Assumptions screen.

To create a new Assumption Definition, open the Plan Sponsor, right-click Assumption Definitions, and then select Add from the resulting menu. This will create a new Assumption Definition to which you can provide a name.

Assumption Definition

By double-clicking on an Assumption Definition's name, you will open the Assumption Definition screen. However, while you can provide a description and type for the definition using this screen, the assumptions themselves are specified in the provisions.

Assumption Provision

To view or edit a provision, double-click its date to open the Assumption Provision screen. Here, you can specify how to project certain government and published values, as well as indicate how each Reported Amount should be projected.

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