The Sponsor Archive Export Screen is used to export documents that have previously been stored in DB Precision as archives where you want to now export these in bulk as files from DB Precision.
- Archive Folder: space to indicate the folder where all exported files are to be generated and stored.
- Archive Details File: space to provide the name of the file to be generated that will show archive details and associated file names for all exported archives.
- SSN: if exporting for one Person, enter the SSN for that Person.
- Earliest Creation Date: if filtering archives to be exported based upon when they were created, enter the earliest creation date. Otherwise, check the None box.
- Latest Creation Date: if filtering archives to be exported based upon when they were created, enter the latest creation date. Otherwise, check the None box and all archives up to the current date will be exported.
- Calculation Date: use this filter option if only exporting archives with a particular calculation date.
- Internet Portal Access: indicate the level of portal access for the archives being exported.
- Any portal access combination: exports archives regardless of portal access.
- Either person or sponsor portal access: exports archives as long as there is some form of portal access.
- Both person and sponsor portal access: requires that an archive be both accessible by the participant and sponsor contact in order to be exported.
- No portal access: only archives that are not accessible on the portal will be exported.
- Only person portal access: will only export an archive if it is only accessible by person logins.
- Only sponsor portal access: will only export an archive if it is only accessible by sponsor contacts.
- Description: use this to export archives that match a specific archive description. Note that the criteria here is case-sensitive.
- Document Owner: use this to export only for a specific type of document owner.
- Plan Number: select the plan number if only exporting for a particular plan document.
- Archive Type: use this filter option if only exporting a particular type of archive.
- File Type: use this if only exporting a particular file type (pdf for example).