Step 12: Configuring Worktrack Requests

Help for the screen where the request process is configured can be found here. However, here are some of the items to be aware of during this configuration:

  1. Items to Include Request on Screen: the following items can all be optionally included on the screen where the request is made. You must determine which of these items should be included:
    1. Calculation Date
    2. Payment Start Date
    3. Beneficiary Information: includes options for users providing alternate beneficiary, date of marriage, and QDRO.
    4. Contact Information: includes options for users to provide mailing address and phone numbers.
    5. Document Upload: if something is required in writing for any request, you may want to consider allowing or requiring users to upload documents when making a request.
  2. Date Limitations: determine whether there are periods for both calculation and payment start when a request cannot be made. These can either be fixed dates or a function of the request date. In addition, you must decide whether payment start dates can either be more than six months in the future or can be on anything other than the first day of the month.
  3. Special Instructions: if there are special instructions for portal users starting a task, these can be defined on this configuration screen and then included at the top of the portal's request page.

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