Step 7: Configure Reported Amounts

The first thing to do after you have received the questionnaire from the plan sponsor is to configure the Reported Amounts.

To do this, open the Plan Sponsor in DB Precision and then complete the following steps for each Reported Amount that was included in the questionnaire:

  1. Open the Sponsor Reported Amount Screen: open the Sponsor Reported Amount by double-clicking on the corresponding DB Precision name for that amount.

  2. Portal Access: for each amount where both the sponsor or participants are to have no access to that Reported Amount, make sure that the box "Include amount on portal" (in the Internet Portal group box) is unchecked. Otherwise, check this box and provide a portal display name for the amount (this cannot match the display name for any other amount of this sponsor).

  3. Sponsor Edit Access: for each amount where the sponsor contacts are to have edit access to amounts, check the box "Allow amount editing by Sponsor Contacts".

  4. Participant Edit Access: for each amount where participants are to have edit access to amounts (very rare), check the box "Allow amount editing by employees/participants".

Once you have gone through all of the amounts on the questionnaire, save the Plan Sponsor.

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