Step 8: Configure Export Definitions

Open your plan document and then for each Export Definition in your plan, double-click on the definition name, select the Internet tab and review the following settings:

  1. Portal Display: this section is used to indicate whether or not that export is accessible on the portal by participants and/or sponsor contacts.

    The Display name is what Portal Users will use to choose this export (from a drop down list when running calculations). If there is only one export available to a user however, then no drop down list will be displayed.

    Please note that the display name may include spaces and should be something that users with little or no pension background will understand ("Election Forms" for example).
  2. Calculation Dates: when running calculations on the portal, users must provide the same types of information as users that run calculations using DB Precision. Specifically, they must provide a calculation date, payment start date, and lump sum date (same as the small benefit cashout date in DB Precision).

    Using choices in this section, some of these dates may be hidden for an export and then set equal to other dates. In addition, the default wording that is displayed here may be changed for these items.

    Please note that the Account Determination Date is not requested on the portal but rather is assumed to always equal the payment start date.
  3. Other Options: user inputs may be further customized using the following additional options:
    1. Beneficiary Date of Birth/Type: use these checkboxes to indicate whether spouse and beneficiary type should be displayed. Both items should generally be requested unless the calculation does not have a spousal benefit.
    2. DC Items: if the export includes a defined contribution plan component, then this should be included so that the participant's contribution rate and assumed investment return can be specified by the portal user.
    3. Opening DC Balance: if the export includes a defined contribution plan component and DB Precision does not have defined contribution balances stored (using a Reported Amount), these should be requested so that the portal user can indicate the balance.
    4. Salary Projection Rate: if the plan is not frozen and the calculation will allow for projections, then this should be requested (note that this also requires that you specify a maximum allowable rate).
    5. Store Calculation Results: this allows options for whether calculations run in the portal should also be stored in the participants archive documents.

Make sure after enabling an Export Definition for the portal that you also make sure it will be able to be processed without error. To do this, run the export for several sample participants and check the box allowing for the document to be saved to the archive. This will ensure that the Internet Controller will also be able to save the document as a pdf without error. Make sure to then delete the newly created archives after testing.

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