The Beneficiary Screen is used to store beneficiary information for up to five Beneficiaries per Person. All pertinent information related to each Beneficiary, such as date of birth, gender, and SSN, is displayed here.
Screen Items
  • Numeric Tabs: use the tabs to view or edit data for each Beneficiary.
  • Relationship to Person: space to indicate the relationship of the Beneficiary to a Person. Each relationship has a corresponding numeric equivalent stored in the system. Choose from No Beneficiary (0), Spouse (1), Ex-spouse (2), Child (3), or Other (4).

    • Unable to Locate: if the Beneficiary is a spouse, but has not been located, check this box.
    • Waived Death Benefit: if the Beneficiary is a spouse, and has waived their right to a death benefit either before or after age 35, check one of these boxes.

  • Beneficiary Name Information: enter First, Middle, and Last Name, as well as a Prefix and/or Suffix.
  • Social Security Number: use this section to enter a Beneficiary's Social Security Number (SSN). Note that the Unknown box must be unchecked to enter an SSN.

    If a Beneficiary's SSN is unknown, the Unknown box should be left checked.
  • Gender: this section is used to define a Beneficiary's gender. Each choice has a corresponding numeric equivalent stored in the system. Select either Unknown (0), Male (1), or Female (2). You can press the blue Lookup button if the gender is unknown to see if the system can determine gender based upon the Beneficiary's first name. Note that this feature is only available once the Beneficiary's first name has been entered.
  • Default Benefit Priority: choose a Type (Primary, Secondary, etc.) and Allocation Ratio to assign percentages of a benefit to multiple beneficiaries.
  • Birth/Death: enter Date of Birth, Date Married, and Date of Death in this section.

    If the date of birth is estimated, indicate this by checking the Estimated box.

    If the date of marriage is unknown or unnecessary, indicate this by checking the Unknown box.

    If the Beneficiary is still alive, the None box should be checked instead of entering a date of death.

    Please note that when selecting Relationship to Person for the first time on this screen, the beneficiary date of birth will be prefilled with a date of birth as follows based upon the beneficiary relationship selected:

    • Spouse/Ex-spouse: beneficiary birth date will be prefilled such that the beneficiary is exactly three (3) years older than Person if Person is a female, and three (3) years younger if Person is male.
    • Child: beneficiary will be exactly twenty-five (25) years younger than Person.
    • Other: beneficiary will initially be assumed to have the same date of birth as Person.
  • Comment: add a comment for the Beneficiary to be viewed by users opening the Beneficiary Screen.
  • Default Beneficiary Designation: this checkbox and corresponding dropdown list allow you to identify which of the five possible beneficiaries should be designated as the default for a given sponsor and plan.

    If no default is specified, then the first beneficiary will be assumed to be the default.

    Designating a specific beneficiary as being the default means that whenever beneficiary information is referenced for a sponsor and plan, that default is referenced.

    The following is a list of where this designation is used:

    • Valuation Snapshots: used to determine Beneficiary Gender and Beneficiary DOB for each Valuation Snapshot.
    • Calculations/Exports: used to determine the initial selected beneficiary for the Beneficiary designation box in both the Calculate and Export screens. Note that the beneficiary can still be changed from the default to a non-default record on these screens.
    • Benefit Payment Information: determines the beneficiary when a new Benefit Payment is added for a Person. Note that this too can be changed from the default to a non-default record in the Benefit Payment screen.
    • Imports: when importing beneficiary data where the beneficiary index equals 1, imported data will impact the default beneficiary. It should be noted however that when importing data for any beneficiary other than the first beneficiary (beneficiary indexes 2-5), DBP will assume that the import applies to that specified beneficiary, regardless of the specification of a default beneficiary.
    The Primary beneficiary will serve as the default beneficiary record for any Plans that are not already accounted for within the other Beneficiary tabs. For this reason, the beneficiary designation is greyed out for the Primary (first) Beneficiary tab.

    On tabs 2-5, if you check the box in this section, you can designate whether the selected Beneficiary is the default for one/all of the Plans within the current Sponsor. You may not designate more than one default Beneficiary per plan.

    If a Person is a participant in multiple Sponsors, the corresponding beneficiary indexes will be identical across all sponsors. A beneficiary may not be designated as the default for more than one Sponsor. If a beneficiary is the default beneficiary for more than one sponsor of a Person, this beneficiary should be stored as the first/primary beneficiary for that Person (beneficiary index equal to 1).
  • Address: Beneficiary address information will always default to be the same as the Participant. If you would like to insert information that differs from the Participant's, click the Address button, uncheck the box Same as participant on the Beneficiary Address Screen and enter the information.

    Note that at least one field in the beneficiary address information screen must be completed in order to remove the "Same as participant" designation.
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