The Email Configuration Screen allows users to configure the emails that are sent for various events relating to the Internet Portal, including sending Portal Registration Codes, Benefit Statements, completion for a Worktrack Task, and more. Both the email subject and body can be configured. Variable email components can be added to both the subject and body of an email (participant name for example) by including specific bracketed text (<>) as listed below.
- Subject Line: space to provide the subject line for the email.
- Email Body: space to provide a body for the email.
- <ACD>: displays the Annuity Commencement Date for the request.
- <AddressCurrent>: displays the current mailing address for the participant.
- <AddressRequest>: displays the mailing address specified with the request.
- <CADOB>: displays the beneficiary date of birth specified with the request.
- <CAType>: displays the beneficiary type selected with the request.
- <CalcDate>: displays the calculation date for the request.
- <CalcDetail>: displays the calculation detail selected for the request.
- <CalcType>: displays the calculation type selected for the request.
- <Comment>: displays the comment entered with the request.
- <DOM>: displays the date of marriage for the request.
- <ExpectedDate>: displays the date by which the task is expected to be completed.
- <ExpectedTiming>: displays the number of days and months (if applicable) before the task is expected to be completed.
- <MarriageInd>: displays whether the person is married (Yes / No).
- <NameFirst>: displays the participant's first name.
- <NameMiddle>: displays the participant's middle name.
- <NameLast>: displays the participant's last name.
- <NameFull>: displays the participant's full name (First Middle Last).
- <PhoneDay>: displays the daytime phone number specified with the request.
- <PhoneNight>: displays the nighttime phone number specified with the request.
- <PlanName>: displays the name of the plan document for the Worktrack task.
- <PlanNumber>: displays the plan number of the plan document for the Worktrack task.
- <PriorMarriageInd>: displays whether the person was previously married (Yes / No).
- <QDROInd>: displays whether the person is subject to a QDRO (Yes / No).
- <RequestTime>: displays the time of the request.
- <Salut>: displays "Mr." or "Mrs./Ms." depending upon participant gender and marital status.
- <SponsorName>: displays the name of the plan sponsor.
- <UpdateDate>: the date the task was last updated.
- <UpdateUserID>: the user ID of the user that last updated a task.