Task Definition Step
The Task Definition Step Screen defines the requirements for a specific step within a Worktrack Task, including which users are able to complete the step, alerts to be sent if it is not complete, and email notifications for once it is done.
Screen Items
  • Basic Step Information

    • Step Name: enter the step name.
    • Step Number: select the number of the step from the drop down box. This number is used to establish an order for the steps both within the list display and for purposes of completing the Worktrack Task.
    • Result Type: select the type of form or other product that will be generated after completing the step.
    • Export Desc: this dropdown list displays the portal descriptions of Internet Portal-enabled Export Definitions. Select a description to allow users on the portal to run calculations using the Worktrack Task's request inputs and store both the calculated benefit amounts and the associated pdf output to a Worktrack Task.
    • Description: provide a detailed description of the step.
  • Step Requirements: check all the boxes that apply for this step. Choices are as follows:

    • Requires Authorization: select if authorization is required to complete this step. If this box gets checked, three areas on this screen become unghosted for completion - Display Alert if Step Not Authorized, Users Able to Authorize Task, and Email Notification Upon Authorization.
    • Notarization: select if notarization is required to complete this step.
    • Must first complete all prior steps: check this box to require that this step can not be completed until all prior steps are also completed.
    • Document Upload: select if the step requires that a document be uploaded.
    • Optional Step: this box is applicable if this step is optional and not required.
  • Estimated Timing: in this area, users have the option to define the timing of Estimated Completion and/or Estimated Authorization of this task step. Choose from Days or Working Days.
  • Display Alert if Step Not Completed: check the applicable boxes to specify who receives an alert if this step is not completed. Choose Administrator, Sponsor Contact, and/or Participant. Enter the text you wish to display within the alert in the box labeled Alert Text.
  • User Able to Complete Step: use this area to identify which users are able to complete this step. You must make selections in each of the two categories Administrators and Sponsor Contacts, as well as check the box Provide Participants option to complete step on portal if you wish to allow participants to complete this step. Press the Configure button to access additional settings for Forms Configuration.

    For the administrator and sponsor contact groups, you can indicate that all users in the group either do not have the authority to complete this step by selecting the None button or have such authority by selecting the Any assigned administrator/contact button. Alternatively, you can identify specific users you wish to have this authority by selecting the Choose button, clicking the blue Select button, and then highlighting the user IDs for the specific individuals on the new screen that pops up. To select multiple administrators/sponsor contacts, click on the applicable user IDs in the list while holding down the Ctrl key. Multiple user IDs will then be highlighted.

    Choose a Default Assigned User to be assigned to the step. The task step will appear on the list of tasks to be completed for the Default Assigned User. If the step needs to be completed by either a Participant or Sponsor Contact and should not be assigned to any Administrator, select [Participant] or [Sponsor] here.
  • Email Notification Upon Completion: use this area to identify which users will receive email notification when this step is completed and to specify the language in the email itself. You must make selections in each of the two categories Administrators and Sponsor Contacts, as well as check the box Participants if you want participants to receive this email. For all emails, the system will use the email address stored on the portal for that recipient, and if one does not exist, it will use the email address stored in DB Precision for that recipient. If no email addresses exist for all of the recipients of the email, none will be sent.

    For the administrator and sponsor contact groups, you can indicate that either none or all of the users in the group should receive notification by selecting the None or Any assigned administrator/contact buttons, respectively. Alternatively, you can identify specific users to receive this email by selecting the Choose button, clicking the blue Select button, and then highlighting the user IDs for the specific individuals on the new screen that pops up. To select multiple administrators/sponsor contacts, click on the applicable user IDs in the list while holding down the Ctrl key. Multiple user IDs will then be highlighted.

    Once email notifications are assigned to any of the groups above, the blue Configure button becomes unghosted. Click on this button to access an additional screen where you can enter the email text, including Subject Line and Email Body.

    Check the box Save email in Participant archive to store the document, and choose whether or not to Display recipient addresses and if the Participant can view the stored archive document. Keep in mind that no email will be stored if no email was sent.
  • Display Alert if Step Not Authorized: this item only needs to be filled out if the Task Requirement - Authorization is checked. Instructions for completion are the same as the item Display Alert if Step Not Completed above, except this area specifies who will receive an alert if this step is not authorized instead of if it is not completed.
  • Users Able to Authorize Step: this item only needs to be filled out if the Task Requirement - Authorization is checked. Instructions for completion are the same as the item User Able to Complete Tasks above, except this area identifies which users are able to authorize this step instead of complete it.

    Unlike the task completion item, there is no option for participants to authorize a step since they are never allowed to have this authority.
  • Email Notification Upon Authorization: this item only needs to be filled out if the Task Requirement - Authorization is checked. Instructions for completion are the same as the item Email Notification Upon Completion above, except this area identifies which users will receive email notification when this step is authorized instead of completed.
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