Task Definition Request Portal Configuration
The Task Definition Request Portal Configuration Screen is where you can customize the information that is required, and what type of responses are allowed, in a Worktrack Request on the Portal.

The Configuration Screen can be used to easily define fields that need to be completed by both the plan sponsor and participants. This is accessed by clicking on the Configure button next to the Web Portal Rights Access menu on the Task Definition screen.

Once opened, the Portal Configuration Screen displays a series of check-boxes and drop-down menus that can be used to request pertinent information and skip information that may not be necessary to collect. Most categories have check-boxes that allow you to include or not include them in the request.
Screen Items
  • Calculation Date: to not display Calculation Date in the request, uncheck the box Include in Request, in the top right. You may choose to Prohibit calculation dates prior to some date: by checking the corresponding box. This date can be a Fixed Date, or it can be a Function of Current Date. If applicable, select the number of Months and/or Days after the current date beyond which the Calculation Date will be disallowed.
  • Payment Start Date: this is where you can place parameters on when a particular payment can begin taking place. Similar to Calculation Date, this may be removed from the request and also have limitations applied to the date.

    • Only Allow Payment Start Dates on the first of the month: This will disallow a sponsor or participant from choosing a Payment Start Date that does not fall on the first calendar day of the month.
    • Allow Payment Start Dates more than six months in the future: Due to regulatory constraints, the default setting leaves this box unchecked. However, you may choose to allow this for a particular sponsor.
    • Prohibit payment dates prior to some date: you may choose to Prohibit payment dates prior to some date: by checking the corresponding box. This date can be a Fixed Date, or it can be a Function of Current Date. If applicable, Select the number of Months and/or Days after the Current Date beyond which the payment date will be disallowed.
  • Beneficiary/Contact Information: use these boxes to define what beneficiary information is requested on the Web Portal.
  • Document Upload: this allows the sponsor or participant to upload a document with their request. There is default wording on the request page when requesting document upload that may be overridden by using the Description box. In addition, you can indicate a type of archive for all uploaded documents by selecting a default Archive Type from the drop-down menu. If each request should require a document upload, check the box next to Do not allow request without document upload.
  • Display Page Description/Instructions: this box allows you to customize the top of your request page, with either a page description, instructions, or anything else that you may wish to display.
  • Contact Information: checkboxes that allow you to indicate what type of contact information (if any) should be provided as part of the request.
  • Other Options: additional options which allow for portal users to indicate whether a retirement calculation is an estimate as well as whether only dates should be requested as part of the request.
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