Sponsor Amounts
The Sponsor Amount Screen is used to view and enter sponsor amounts.
Screen Items
  • Employer: select an employer to view its amounts, or show amounts for all employers to view every amount.
  • Amounts by Date: view amounts for one employer or amounts across all employers. Double clicking an amount allows for editing each piece of data for the given amount.

    • Effective: provides the effective date for each given amount.
    • Stop: an optional additional identifier that displays a stop date for each given amount, if one is provided.
    • Company: identifies the employer by name.
    • Additional Identifiers: up to two additional columns used for identification of data.
    • Amount: specifies the amount for the given date and employer.
  • Add: plus-sign button that creates an additional amount on the list.
  • Delete: minus-sign button that removes selected amount from list.
  • Excel: creates an Excel spreadsheet of Effective Date, Employer Code, and Sponsor Amount.
  • Import: initiate the process of bringing in sponsor amounts from a .csv file.
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