Reported Amounts
The Reported Amounts Screen is where you enter or view specific Reported Amounts for a Person.

The Reported Amount field itself is defined on the Plan Sponsor Reported Amount screen.
Screen Items
  • History: this box displays a listing of all entries for this Reported Amount for a Person. Click on a row in order to display and edit the information for that row in the sections below.

    Use the "+" and "-" buttons to add or delete entries, respectively.

    The Excel button creates an Excel spreadsheet of the information in the Reported Amount History list.
  • Reported Period: enter or select the Effective Date and Stop Date for the Reported Amount row entry highlighted in the box above. These are the dates the selected Reported Amount first became effective and was last effective, respectively.

    Values that capture a balance or amount at a point in time should have Effective Date and Stop Date set to the same date. An example of this would be a contribution balance earned to date or a location code. Values that correspond with an amount earned over a specific period of time, such as a calendar year earnings amount, should be stored with effective date equal to the start of the period and stop date equal to the end of the period.

    Neither date may precede the Effective Date of the Reported Amount definition or be later than the Stop Date of the Reported Amount definition. Additionally, no two amounts may have the same Effective Date, while multiple amounts may have the same Stop Date.
  • Effective Period: displays an amount's dynamically adjusted Effective Date and Stop Date, adjusted as necessary to reflect the Person's date of birth, employment and termination dates.

    Effective Dates and Stop Dates in this section are adjusted to be equal to hire date or date of birth if the corresponding reported date is prior to either of those dates. The only Reported Amount type that will not apply this type of limiting by hire date is Social Security Earnings.

    Effective Dates and Stop Dates past a person's termination date will be adjusted to be equal to termination date if the Amount effective/stop dates capped at Termination Dates checkbox of the Reported Amount definition is checked.
  • Amount: use this section to enter the specific amount of Reported Amount row entry highlighted in the box above.

    • Value: If the reported amount is a numeric or date type, the top input box will be enabled for the user to enter the amount being reported. If the reported amount is a text value, the bottom input box will be enabled to use for the text value.
    • Lookup: this button becomes enabled when working with a Reported Amount that includes a text conversion within its definition. Press the blue Lookup button to see a list of the possible text entries for this Reported Amount. By selecting the applicable one, the corresponding text conversion appears below the numeric value.

      Note that in the History box above, the text, not the numeric value, is displayed in the Amount column.
    • Estimated Indicator: check this box to indicate that the amount is estimated. Estimated amounts can be differentiated from non-estimated amounts in Formula Functions and ignored for calculation purposes through settings on the Assumption Provision screen.
  • Additional Identifiers: space for specifying any additional identifiers for the Reported Amount. These fields are only enabled if the Plan Sponsor's Reported Amount definition screen indicates that a Primary, Secondary, or Third Additional Identifier exists.
  • Other Details: area to provide a brief Comment for the selected Reported Amount and space to indicate the Date Received, if applicable.
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