System Settings
The System Settings allows network-level system settings to be viewed and modified by DB Precision Users that are specified as being System Administrators.
General Tab
  • Database Servers: area to specify the SQL Server name (including instance name) for the production, backup, test, and remote servers. Only the Production Server name is required (test server and other servers are optional).
  • Settings Button: allows for specification of database server PensionSoft user password and SQL native client version.
  • Default Folder: allows a System Administrator to specify a default folder for the entire network. Please note however, that this is overridden if a sponsor has its own default folder specified or if a System User has its own default folder.
  • Automatic Updates: area to indicate whether DB Precision should automatically download and install system updates once they become available. By using the Maximum Version Allowed field, administrators can control which updates should be automatically installed.
  • Show encrypted SSN in Item Explorer: check this box if full SSN should not be displayed on users' machines in Item Explorer.
  • Require that Users reset password after first login: option to require that all new users reset their password after first login.
Naming Tab
Allows for the specification of default names when System Users create different plan items.
Val Extract Tab
Allows for the specification of default file extract type and header names for when System Users run valuation snapshots.
Portal Tab
  • Network Administrators: area to provide a list of portal administrators who should be electronically notified if there is a potential problem with the Internet Portal.
  • Antivirus Software: allows users to choose which version of anti-virus software should be run when checking files that are uploaded by portal users. In addition, users can specify the full path (including executable name) of the virus scan software.
  • Portal Connection Properties: area to specify how to connect to the portal database (including IP address, port setting, etc.).
  • Test Button: press this button to test that a connection can be established to the portal database using the settings provided on this screen.
Network Tab
This screen should be used when file names in DB Precision include drive letters. If they are specified, this screen can be used to override the full server name for each drive letter. This generally applies if there are inconsistencies between drive mappings for system users.
Security Tab
  • Minimum length: the minimum length for DB Precision users (may not exceed 16).
  • Minimum number of letters: minimum number of letters required in a password.
  • Minimum number of uppercase letters: minimum number of uppercase letters required in a password.
  • Minimum number of lowercase letters: minimum number of lowercase letters required in a password.
  • Minimum number of numeric characters: minimum number of numbers required in a password.
  • Minimum number of symbols: minimum number of symbols required in a password.
  • Number of days before password expires: may be used to force DB Precision users to periodically reset their passwords.
  • May not match the following prior passwords: indicates that users may not re-use prior passwords (can check up to 5 prior passwords).
  • May not include a user's first name: indicates that no user may reset their password to include their first name.
  • May not include a user's last name: indicates that no user may reset their password to include their last name.
  • May not include a user's User ID: indicates that no user may reset their password to include their six-letter User ID.
  • May not include the following: allows for certain words (password for example) to not be allowed within a password. For multiple prohibited words, separate each word by a semi-colon.
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