Internet Portal Statistics
The Internet Portal Statistics displays usage statistics for your company or opened Plan Sponsor. If this screen is displayed while a sponsor or plan is opened, the statistics shown are only for that sponsor. If this screen is opened with no plan sponsor or plan opened, then the statistics shown are for all plan sponsors.
Screen Items
  • Layout: area to specify the layout of the statistics shown including start/end date and period by which to group the statistics. In addition, the results shown can be filtered to only show results for plan sponsor logins or participant logins.
  • Details Button: press this button to view the numeric data behind the graph shown.
  • Number of Accounts: displays the total number of accounts for the sponsor or company.
  • Users Logging in During Period: displays how many of the users with login accounts logged in during the period.
PensionSoft Corporation | 860.540.3690 |