The Manage Internet Portal Security allows a system user to specify portal login information for participants.
- SSN: Column displaying Social Security Number.
- Name: Column displaying Name information.
- Status: Column displaying most recent valuation status.
- User ID: Column displaying Portal User ID, if one has been created for the person.
- Password: This column will always be left blank.
- Registration: Column displaying Registration number, if one has been created for the person and the person has not yet registered.
- Email: Column displaying portal email by default, or email stored in DB Precision if different selection is made.
- Sec Q: Column displaying "Yes" if the person has stored a Security Question for themselves.
- Login: Column displaying the most recent login date for the person.
- Check: Will check (or uncheck if currently checked) the checkboxes of all highlighted person rows. To highlight multiple rows, hold Ctrl on your keyboard while selecting, or to highlight a range of rows, hold the Shift key.
- Email: Will bring you to the Email Configuration screen, where you can create emails to be sent to each checked participant. In order to have an email sent, a person must have a Registration number and Email address.
- Fill: Will create and store registration codes for all portal-eligible participants, regardless of whether or not rows have been selected.
- Excel: Will produce a listing in Excel of all information currently being displayed on screen in DB Precision, including blank participant rows.
- File: Will produce a listing in Excel of all User IDs and Registration Codes being displayed on screen in DBP, not including rows without this information.
- Plan Number: A drop-down that allows you to select the Plan Number that you would like to review portal security for, if applicable.
- Display participants that are not eligible to receive a registration code: Will toggle the display of information for people who are/are not eligibile to receive a portal registration code.
- Display emails that are stored in DB Precision: Will toggle the display of emails between portal emails stored by the participant for participant security, and those stored in DB Precision.