The Person Notes Import tool allows users to import notes from another data source. When this screen is opened without any plan sponsor open, this tool can be used to bring in notes for multiple sponsors at the same time (requires that the EIN of each sponsor be specified for every row imported).
When opened with a sponsor opened, EIN does not need to be specified and notes will be brought in for only that sponsor.
Before beginning, you should prepare a file containing columns for all required items (SSN, EIN - only if importing for multiple sponsors, Note Start Time, Note Text), as well as any additional optional details as described below.
If the text of your note contains quotation marks, you should replace these with apostrophes, as the text may become distorted if you keep the quotation marks intact.
If importing for multiple sponsors, make sure to first sort the file by EIN before importing. If importing notes where there may be more than one note per day for a Person, make sure that the start time includes both date and time or else the last note imported for a day will overwrite all other notes for a person for that day.
Specify the import file and column numbers in the csv file being imported for the following items:
- Import File: This file should be saved as a comma delimited format (.csv).
- SSN Column: Specify the column number where SSN is located within the file. The import will stop if a Person is not found so make sure that all people being imported already exists in DB Precision.
- EIN Column: This is only required if importing for multiple sponsors.
- Note Start Time: This field should include both date and time that the original note was started/created.
- Note Text: This is the actual text from the note and may not be blank.
Note Type (optional):
This field must be a number where numeric codes are as follows:
- 0: None specified (default)
- 1: Informational
- 2: Contact Inquiry
Portal Access - Participant (optional):
This field must be a number where numeric codes are as follows:
- 0: No access (default)
- 1: Access
Portal Access - Sponsor (optional):
This field must be a number where numeric codes are as follows:
- 0: No access (default)
- 1: Access
Inquiry Type (optional):
This field must be a number where numeric codes are as follows:
- 0: None specified (default)
- 1: Worktrack
- 2: 1099R Support
- 3: Address Change
- 4: Annual Funding Notices
- 5: Auto Commence/Force Out
- 6: Beneficiary Designation
- 7: Benefit Calculation Details
- 8: Benefit Request
- 9: Benefit Statement Request/Assistance
- 10: Death
- 11: Direct Deposit Change
- 12: Distribution Forms Assistance
- 13: Distribution Forms Incomplete
- 14: Estimate Request
- 15: Lump Sum Window Assistance
- 16: Name Change
- 17: Pension Verification
- 18: Plan Provisions
- 19: Power of Attorney
- 20: QDRO
- 21: Status Inquiry
- 22: Web Portal Log In Assistance
- 23: Web Portal User Assistance
- 24: Withholding Change
Contact Type (optional):
This field must be a number where numeric codes are as follows:
- 0: None specified (default)
- 1: Sponsor Contact
- 2: Participant
- 3: Beneficiary
- 4: Other
Contact Method (optional):
This field must be a number where numeric codes are as follows:
- 0: None specified (default)
- 1: Phone - Incoming
- 2: Email - Incoming
- 3: Fax - Incoming
- 4: Other - Incoming
- 5: Phone - Outgoing
- 6: Email - Outgoing
- 7: Fax - Outgoing
- 8: Other - Outgoing
Status (optional):
This field must be a number where numeric codes are as follows:
- 0: None specified (default)
- 1: Completed
- 2: Waiting for Sponsor Contact
- 3: Waiting for System User
- Completed Time (optional): This field should include both date and time that the original note was completed. Leave blank if unknown or incomplete.
- Events Triggering Note Display: This section allows for each of these note checkboxes to be selected on import. To have a box checked for a note, put a "1" in the corresponding column for that note.