Mortality and Projection Tables
This screen is used to view, add, and edit, and delete mortality tables. These tables are available to all sponsors and users on your network.
Screen Items
  • Available Mortality Tables and Projection Tables List: list of all of the currently available mortality and projection tables. These tables are available to all plans. To add a new table, press the Add button. To delete a table, select it in the list and then press the delete button.
  • Table Name: space to allow you to rename the selected table.
  • Description: a description of the selected table.
  • Study Year: space to indicate which year the mortality or projection table is for. This is used if the table needs to be projected to some other year.
  • Rates Type: indicates if the table is a mortality or projection table.
  • Unisex Indicator: check this box if the mortality or projection rates are unisex (rather than sex distinct with separate male and female rates).
  • Annual Rates by Age Grid: shows rates by age with possible ages ranging from 0 to 120.
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