Manage Person Notes
The Manage Person Notes Screen displays a list of all Person Notes for the Plan Sponsor or specific Participant, depending on whether a Sponsor/Plan or Participant is open when the Manage Notes button is clicked. The listing displays information such as the Creation Date, Type, and Status of each Person Note.
Screen Items
  • Note Type Filter: select whether to include Informational notes, Contact Inquiry notes, and/or notes without a specified type.
  • Note Status Filter: select which notes will be included in the listing based on their current status, such as Completed notes or notes that are Waiting for Participant.
  • Start Date Limits: check the box to set limits on the start dates of the notes to be included in the listing.
  • Only display notes assigned to you: check this box to see only the Person Notes that have been assigned to the current user. Uncheck the box to see all Person Notes that satisfy the above filter selections.
  • Excel: click the Excel button to generate an Excel spreadsheet of the listing results. For a more expansive report on Person Notes within the Sponsor, see the Notes Report Screen.
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