Manage Backups
The Manage Backups Screen is used to manage backup data for a Plan Sponsor. Please note that some users may not be approved to delete or restore data. Delete/Restore Data access can be assigned in the Standard Rights screen by a system administrator.
Screen Items
  • Prior Restore Points List: this list displays date, time, and description for all restore points currently saved for the sponsor. To sort restore points by creation date, simply click on the Backup Time header.
  • Add: to add a new restore point, click on the Add button. A description box will appear, where you must add a description for your restore point. If no description is added, the backup will not be completed. All users may create a new restore point.
  • Delete: to delete a prior restore point, select the row you would like to delete and click on the Delete button. Please note that once a restore point has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.
  • Restore: to set data to a prior restore point, select the row you would like to restore to and click on the Restore button.
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