When a plan's credited service definition (the Service Definition for the plan that has the "Credited Service" checkbox checked) is frozen, any otherwise Active participants will be classified as non-accruing by DB Precision. This is because DB Precision assumes that if Credited Service is frozen, that all benefits under the plan are frozen.
If a plan's benefit accrual is not frozen even though credited service is frozen, there may be situations where you will want or need to indicate plan participant status as active rather than non accruing. Furthermore, other status determination can be impacted when benefits are not completely frozen.
For example, if a plan continues to have service accruals beyond a credited service freeze, any lump sum payments made will be treated as a full cashout of benefits. If a participant were rehired after the freeze date and after a subsequent lump sum payment was made, they would continue to be treated as a cashout, even after that rehire date (rather than properly treated as active).
To clearly indicate to DB Precision that accruals are continuing beyond credited service freeze date, do the following.
- Create New Service Definition: Right-click Service Definitions in the Plan Document and select Add from the resulting menu. Name this definition something such as "serviceCreditedPlan".
- Copy current Credited Service Definition: Right-click the current Credited Service Definition (the one with the "Credited Service" check box checked) and select Copy. Then paste to the newly created service definition by right-clicking the new definition and selecting Paste from the menu.
- Redesignate Credited Service: Double-click the prior credited Service Definition and uncheck the box "Credited Service". Then double-click on the newly-created Service Definition and check the box "Credited Service".
- Unfreeze Prior Credited Service: Remove any freeze references from the prior service definition. These will either be indicated with either a provision Stop Date on the final Service Provision or with a formula entered in the Latest Accrual/Freeze Date on the Service Definition screen.
- Save the Plan: Save the plan and confirm that status for previously non-accruing participants are now coming out as active.