Export Overview

Export Definitions are used to extract information from DB Precision in order to produce things such as benefit statements, estimates, and payment election forms.

Each Export Definition defines the files, rules, and layout to be used when executing an export.

You will need to repeat the process of creating an Export Definition described below for each type of document that you need to be able to export for your plan.

Creating an Export Definition

To create an Export Definition, you must have the Plan Document open.

  • Create the Definition: right-click Export Definitions and select Add from the resulting menu and then give the newly created definition a name.
  • Edit the Definition: double-click the name of the new definition to specify things such as definition type, description, sort order, and the names of the files (Excel and Word) to which results should be saved. Note that there are tabs for Internet and Messages that should be left alone until you do portal setup (if applicable).
  • Specify the File Layout: by double-clicking on single row below the definition name, you will be able to specify which columns/fields to include in the export. Press the Add button to add additional fields and double-click on items to specify layout.

    When choosing layout, you can also set up header names (if not using DB Precision default header names), numeric to text conversion, and specify what to display if an exported value is zero or blank.

    Please note when choosing fields that you may only include one Benefit Payment Set Definition per Export Definition.

  • Modify the Merge Document: if you do not specify a Word file name, then the export file created will be a .csv file which will then be opened in Excel upon export.

    If you specify a Word file name, then DB Precision will open Word and execute a Mail Merge to the .csv file (also specified in the Export Definition).

    The process of designing your Word document involves adding fields to the Export Definition, running exports from DB Precision, and inserting those merge fields into your Word document. Make sure when exporting to check the box Open unmerged Word document. This will then allow you to drop mail merge fields into your document (using Mailings - Insert Merge Field in Word.)

    Keep adding fields, modifying field format (in DB Precision), and inserting mail merge fields until the document has all information required for the export.

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