Plan Validation Definition - Standard Errors
The Plan Validation Definition - Standard Errors Screen is used to select the validations to include in this validation set from the system's list of predefined errors.
Screen Items
  • General Format: this screen lists all of DB Precision's predefined standardized errors. Select the errors you wish to include in this validation set by checking one or both of the following boxes next to the applicable error.
    • Include: by selecting this check box, the applicable validation error will be included when this definition is run.
    • Critical: select this check box to include the applicable validation as a critical error. If the system encounters a critical error during a validation, the validation will stop. Note that this type of error is generally not run.
  • Standard Errors: choose from the following list of standardized errors.
    • Basic Person Information:
      • Invalid SSN: the digits contained in a Person’s Social Security Number (SSN) do not satisfy certain rules specified by the Social Security Administration for an SSN.
      • Missing DOB: Date of Birth has not been specified.
      • Death prior to DOB: a Person's Date of Death is prior to that Person’s Date of Birth.
      • Missing Person Gender: Gender is unknown.
    • Name Information:
      • Unreasonable Name Effective Date: a Name Effective Date either occurred before a Person was born or after a Person died. If there is only one name for a Person and the Effective Date of that Name is not that Person’s Date of Birth, this error will appear.
      • Inconsistent Name Prefix/Suffix and Gender: Name Prefix (Mr. for example) or Name Suffix (Jr. for example) is inconsistent with the Gender specified for a Person.
    • Address Information:
      • Invalid Address: occurs if any Address or Phone Number field contains an invalid character or if any field that contains a maximum length (Zip Code for example) exceeds the length limit.
      • Address City/State/Zip Inconsistent: occurs if Zip Code is inconsistent with the City/State entered for a Person.
    • Beneficiary Information:
      • Missing CA SSN: Beneficiary Social Security Number (SSN) has not been specified.
      • Invalid CA SSN: the digits contained in a Beneficiary’s Social Security Number (SSN) do not satisfy certain rules specified by the Social Security Administration for an SSN.
      • Incomplete CA Information: Date of Birth or Gender has not been specified for a Beneficiary. This error will appear if a Person has been identified as having a Beneficiary or if a Person will receive either a joint & survivor annuity or certain & life annuity and a Beneficiary has not been specified.
      • CA Death prior to Date of Birth: a Beneficiary’s Date of Death is prior to their Date of Birth.
      • Possible Missing Survivor: occurs when a Person died while receiving either a joint & survivor annuity or certain period benefit (if died within the certain period) and no Beneficiary was specified on that Person's Beneficiary Information screen.
    • Historical Date Information:
      • Unreasonable DOH: Person would have been hired prior to age 14.
      • DOT without DOH: a Date of Termination exists for a Person but no Date of Hire.
      • Hired before Prior Database Snapshot: identifies a new entrant that was hired prior to an earlier snapshot date.
      • Consecutive Historical Dates: indicates that there are two consecutive Historical Dates of the same Classification and Type for a Person (for example, two employment dates without a termination date in between).
    • Reported Amounts:
      • Invalid Effective/Stop Date: the Effective Date or Stop Date for a Reported Amount precedes Date of Birth or Date of Hire, or is after Date of Death.
      • Overlapping Amounts: the periods specified for two Reported Amounts overlap.
      • Corridor Warning: the ratio of one Reported Amount to the next is outside the limits specified for that amount.
      • Missing Required Amount: a Reported Amount that has been specified as required is missing for a Person.
      • Amount Below Minimum/Above Maximum: Amount Below Minimum indicates that a Reported Amount has a value which is below the minimum amount specified for that amount. Amount Above Maximum indicates that a Reported Amount has a value which is above the maximum amount specified for that amount.
      • Missing Recurring Reported Amount: a Reported Amount appears to be missing based upon a Person's employment history and the Reporting Frequency specified.
    • Bank Information:
      • Invalid Deposit Address: occurs if any Bank Address or Phone Number field contains an invalid character or if any field that contains a maximum length (Zip Code for example) exceeds the length limit.
      • Deposit Address City/State/Zip Inconsistent: occurs if the Bank’s Zip Code is inconsistent with its City/State.
    • Benefit Information:
      • TV Missing Benefit: a Person has been deemed eligible to receive future benefits from the plan but no benefit has been specified.
      • Life Annuity with Benefit Stop Date: a Person is due a life annuity benefit but a benefit stop date has been specified. (Such stop date is only applicable in the case of certain-only benefits, not life annuities.)
      • Benefit Payment/No DOT: a Person is receiving or entitled to receive a benefit from the plan but no Date of Termination has been specified.
      • Missing Benefit Payment Set Name: the Benefit Payment Set has not been specified.
      • Invalid/Missing ACD: either a benefit payment effective date has not been entered, a benefit payment is identified as deferred with a payment start date that occurs in the past, or a benefit payment is identified as not deferred with a payment start date that occurs 2 or more months in the future.
      • Certain Benefit with Invalid Period: no certain period has been specified for benefit with a certain period (i.e., a certain & life annuity or certain only form of benefit).
      • Invalid Survivor FOA: identifies a Person with a survivor benefit (Benefit Type = Survivor) that has an inconsistent Form of Benefit (either Certain and Life or Joint and Survivor).
      • Rehire with Deferred: identifies a Person that has been rehired but has a deferred vested benefit. This will cause the participant to be classified as a TV unless the benefit is deleted.
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