The Function of Service Definition (Func of Serv Def) Screen provides space to enter a brief description of a Function of Service Definition. It also allows you to choose the specific service definition to be used in the function, as well as the preferences for service when capped at a maximum amount.
The specifics of the Function of Service itself are defined on the
Function of Service Provision screen. If the parameters vary over time, more than one provision is set up.
- Description: space to provide a brief description of the Function of Service Definition.
- Definition Type: select the type of definition and then the specific definition itself that represents the service used in the underlying table. Choose from either a Service Definition or Formula Derived Item.
- Give preference to future service if service caps apply: check this box to indicate that service preference is given to later provisions first when determining accruals for a Person.
- Apply new provision rates to all years of service: check this box to apply the newest provision rates to all years of service.
- Develop calculation detail on each service reporting anniversary: check this box to enable display in the Calculate screen of a separate row for each service reporting period (when using a Service Definition that is based on reporting periods). For example, if service is reported on an annual basis, display a row for each year in the Function of Service calculation screen.
- Allow for non-zero service amounts on hire date: when this box is checked, the Function of Service will treat any service allocated to the Participant's hire date as past service which will not be included in the Fuction of Service calculations. When the box is not checked, the system will not treat service on hire date as separate and will combine it with service accrued after hire date.
- For new provisions, measure service on day prior to provision effective date to determine service at beginning of each provision: this box is checked for all newly created Functions of Service.
- View item in QuickCalc: this function is currently not available.