Derived Date Provision
The Derived Date Provision Screen is used to define the specific parameters of a Derived Date, including the minimum and maximum age, service, and points requirements, as well as rounding rules.

Generally, the Derived Date is the date the Person meets all of the minimum age/service/points requirements specified in the Date Requirements section below. However, if the minimum is not met by the time the Date Maximum requirements are satisfied, then the Derived Date is set equal to the maximum date.

Multiple Derived Date Provisions are needed if the Derived Date requirements vary through time, with each provision defining the set of conditions for a given time period.
Screen Items
  • Effective Period: details the period of time for which this Derived Date Provision applies. The Effective Date is the start of the first period these particular parameters are applicable and the Stop Date is the end date. If the provision continues to apply without an end date, check the None box for the Stop Date.
  • Date Rounding: for defining the rounding rules for this Derived Date Provision.
    • Type: select the method for rounding the date (if any). Choose from No rounding, First day of period, Nearest first day of period, Next first day of period, Next or coinciding first day, or Last day of period.
    • Period: enter the applicable period for applying the rounding rule. Choose from None (Day), Year, Half-year, Quarter-year, or Month.
    • Calendar Anniversary: enter the Month and Day of the anniversary year used when rounding.
  • Date Requirements: for specifying the minimum age, service and/or points parameters that must be attained when determining the Derived Date. The minimum requirements are satisfied on the date the Person has met all conditions.
    • Minimum Age Required: indicate the minimum age (Years and Months), if any.
    • Service Required: provide the required years of service (Years), if any.
    • Points Required: enter the number of points (i.e., age plus service) that must be accrued (Points), if any.

      Select Allow service to accrue past termination date when calculating date if service should be accrued past termination date when determining points.

      Set the Age Round Type and Age Round Unit for Points determination.
    • Must meet service requirement by termination date: check this box if the service requirement must be met by termination date in the determination of this Derived Date.
  • Date Maximums: spaces for entering maximums for age, service or points requirements for this Derived Date. The Date Maximums are separately applied where the maximum date for a person is the earlier of the conditions below. The Derived Date can be no later than this maximum date.

    If no maximum exists, enter a Maximum Age of 0 and check the boxes labeled None for Maximum Service and Maximum Points.
    • Maximum Age Required: indicate the maximum age (Years and Months), if any.
    • Maximum Service: provide the maximum years of service (Years), if any. Check the box labeled None if there is no service maximum.
    • Maximum Points: enter the number of points (i.e., age plus service) that must be accrued to attain the maximum date, if any. Check the box labeled None if there is no points maximum. Set the Age Round Type and Age Round Unit for Maximum Points determination.
  • Service Name (for Service and/or Points Requirements): select the Service Definition to be used when determining if a Person has satisfied the service and/or points requirements for this Derived Date.
  • Offset to Service/Points Requirements: select the offset (if any) that should be applied to the above Service Definition when determining if a Person has satisfied the service and/or points requirements.
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