The Conversion Factor Definition Screen is used to define a factor to convert one series of benefit payments to another. The parameters for determining the form of annuity both before and after conversion as well as the definition of actuarial equivalence are set here.
- Initial Annuity Factor (factor numerator): area to define the parameters for the annuity factor used in the numerator of the conversion factor. These entries detail the specifics of the initial form of benefit that you are converting from.
You can either fill in this section manually or use the blue Choose button described below to speed up the process.
- Choose: the blue Choose button provides a quick and easy way to fill in the parameters for a variety of types of annuities.
From the screen entitled Select Annuity, select the form of annuity you wish to use from the list and click on the green "check" button. The parameters in this section will then be pre-filled with the entries that correspond to that form of annuity.
- Fraction of Benefits Payable: enter the fraction of the initial benefit that is payable during the specified period below.
- During the Certain Period: enter the fraction payable during the certain period only. Generally, this value will either equal 0 when there is no certain period or 1 when the entire initial benefit is payable during the certain period.
- While Only the Primary Annuitant is Alive: indicate the fraction of the initial annuity that is payable when only the primary annuitant is alive.
- While only the Beneficiary is Alive: enter the fraction of the initial annuity that is payable when only the contingent annuitant is alive.
- While Both are Alive: indicate the fraction of the initial annuity that is payable when both the primary and contingent annuitants are alive.
- Use maximum fraction allowed under 1.401(a)(9)-6: provides the maximum possible amount under legal regulations to the chosen beneficiary.
- Certain Period: it is possible to either use the same fixed certain period for all or use a variable period that changes for each Person based upon the entry in a defined field. Select one of the following:
- Fixed: select this button to elect a fixed certain period. Enter the length of the certain period in years in the box provided.
- Variable: select this button to elect a certain period that is variable. In the drop down box, choose the field that defines the certain period (in years) for each Person.
- Use maximum period allowed under 1.401(a)(9)-6: sets the maximum possible period under legal regulations to the chosen beneficiary.
If there is no certain period, select Fixed Certain Period and enter 0 in the box provided.
- Annuity After Conversion (factor denominator): area to define the parameters for the annuity factor used in the denominator of the conversion factor. These entries detail the specifics of the form of benefit that you are converting to.
You can either fill in this section manually or use the blue Choose button described below to speed up the process.
the blue Choose button provides a quick and easy way to fill in the parameters for a variety of types of annuities.
From the screen entitled Select Annuity, select the form of annuity you wish to use from the list and click on the green "check" button. The parameters in this section will then be pre-filled with the entries that correspond to that form of annuity.
- Fraction of Benefits Payable: enter the fraction of the initial benefit that is payable during the specified period below.:
- During the Certain Period: enter the fraction payable during the certain period only. Generally, this value will either equal 0 when there is no certain period or 1 when the entire initial benefit is payable during the certain period.
- While Only the Primary Annuitant is Alive: indicate the fraction of the initial annuity that is payable when only the primary annuitant is alive.
- While only the Beneficiary is Alive: enter the fraction of the initial annuity that is payable when only the contingent annuitant is alive.
- While Both are Alive: indicate the fraction of the initial annuity that is payable when both the primary and contingent annuitants are alive.
- Use maximum fraction allowed under 1.401(a)(9)-6: provides the maximum possible amount under legal regulations to the chosen beneficiary.
- Include Pop-up Option: check this box if the annuity contains a pop-up provision. In general, a pop-up option is one in which the annuity payable to the participant increases if the contingent annuitant dies first. At that point, the initial benefit becomes payable.
Certain Period:
it is possible to either use the same fixed certain period for all or use a variable period that changes for each Person based upon the entry in a defined field. Select one of the following:
- Fixed: select this button to elect a fixed certain period. Enter the length of the certain period in years in the box provided.
- Variable: select this button to elect a certain period that is variable. In the drop down box, choose the field that defines the certain period (in years) for each Person.
- Use maximum period allowed under 1.401(a)(9)-6: sets the maximum possible period under legal regulations to the chosen beneficiary.
If there is no certain period, select Fixed Certain Period and enter 0 in the box provided.
- Actuarial Equivalence Definition: select the Actuarial Equivalence Definition you wish to use when determining this conversion factor.
- Rounding of Factor: use the Rounding Type, Rounding Unit, and Alternate Unit fields to indicate how to round the calculated conversion factor. Check the Round factors at integer ages prior to interpolating box if needed.
- Advanced: the Blue Advanced button takes you to the Conversion Factor Definition Advanced screen. You can view and/or change a conversion factor's advanced settings here.
This screen includes parameters such as the determination of age, the date for measuring actuarial equivalence, the Cost of Living Adjustment (if any) to be included in the determination of the factor, and the beneficiary age assumption. These fields are typically standard but in some instances they may need to be adjusted for specific plans.
- View item in QuickCalc: this function is currently not available.