The Average Earnings Provision Partial Period Rules allows users to define how partial periods are to be handled when determining average amounts.
- Partial Periods Handling: area to specify how to handle different types of partial periods. Periods can either be completely excluded, included without any annualization adjustment, or included as annualized amounts.
- Averaging Period Determination: area to specify how to determine each earnings unit's period when that period is partial.
- Treat Partial Periods as Full Units: check this box if the partial period is to be treated as a full unit.
- Period Rounding: if the partial period is not to be treated as a full unit, users can use this area to define how to round the calculated period length.
- Calculation Method: space to specify how each periods length is to be determined.
- Partial Periods Handling (Short Service Employees): area to specify separate averaging rules (if applicable) for short-service employees.
- Use separate rules for short service employees: check this box if separate averaging rules apply for short-service employees.
- Sum all earnings and divide by total period: check this box if the average for short-service employees is determined as the sum of all earnings amounts divided by the total period.
- First/Interim Partial/Final: area to indicate how to handle partial periods for short-service employees.
- Include Partial Periods as Full Units: check this box if partial periods for short-service employees are to be treated as full periods for purposes of determining the average.
- Definition of Short Service: area to specify which employees are to be considered short-service.
- Short Service Basis: choose the Service Definition that defines whether an employee is short-service.
- Treat as short service if less than "x" periods: space to indicate the cutoff between short-service employees and everyone else where units correspond to the earnings period (years, months, etc.).