Average Earnings Dropout Reported Amount
The Average Earnings Provision Dropout Reported Amount Screen allows users to specify how Reported Amounts should be allocated when being used to determine which average earnings units should be dropped out.
Screen Items
  • Reported Amount Name: space to select which Reported Amount is to be applied for determining dropout.
  • Combination Type: choose from the following options to define how to apply each amount to each earnings period:
    • Add to Amount: (default option) choose this option if each amount is to be added to each period amount.
    • Subtract from Amount: choose this option if each amount is to be subtracted from each period amount.
  • Allocation to Multiple Periods: item Description. Choose Prorate, Start Date, End Date, Start of Reporting Period.
    • Prorate: (default option) choose this option if amounts are to be prorated if they span multiple earnings periods. When Reported Amounts are reported at the same rate and dates as the earnings periods, no proration is applied.
    • Start Date: choose this option if amounts are to be fully allocated to different earnings periods based upon the start date of the amount.
    • End Date: choose this option if amounts are to be fully allocated to different earnings periods based upon the end date of the amount.
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