The Account Provision Interest Screen is used to define the interest crediting rate for the account, as well as any minimum rate to be applied.
- Interest Rate: area to define the rate of interest credited on the account.
- Rate: select the specific method used to determine the interest crediting rate.
- Fixed Rate: select if the interest rate is a fixed percentage that never changes over time. Enter the fixed rate as a decimal in the box labeled Rate.
- Variable Rate: choose this item if the interest rate is variable and fluctuates based upon some index or published rate. Select the specific variable index to be used from the drop down box. Options include PBGC Interest Rates, 30-year Treasury Rates, 120% Federal Mid-Term Rate, 10-year Treasury Rates, 5-year Treasury Rates, any one of the three PPA Segment rates (i.e., Segment Rate 1, Segment Rate 2, Segment Rate 3), or Corp Bond Weight Avg.
If this method is selected, you must also fill out the Variable Interest Rate Parameters area.
- User Defined: make this selection to use a set of fixed rates that vary through time.
Select the blue Details button to access the Rate History screen. Use the green "+" or red "-" button to add or delete rates respectively. Once you add a rate, double click on the entry and you will be taken to the User Rate screen where you can enter the Effective Date of the rate and the Fixed Rate itself.
- Defined Contribution Annual Return: select if the interest rate to be credited is the defined contribution annual rate of return.
- Based upon index or share price: choose this item if the interest rate should be calculated based upon the return on an index or share price.
Select the blue Details button to access the Account Interest Shares screen and then choose one of the following options:
- Investment return all based on one type of shares or index: select if the investment return should be calculated based on one index or share price only. Select the applicable index or share price from the drop down box. Choose none, PKBIX(SI), PXCBX(advisor), or PKCRX(retiree).
- Investment return based on the weighted combination of the following shares or indices: make this selection if the investment return is calculated based on a weighted average of the return on multiple share prices or indices.
Use the green "+" button or red "-" button to add or delete the applicable Investment Weightings, respectively. Once a weighting is added, double click on it to edit the following features via an additional screen.
- Share/Index Name: select the applicable index or share price for this weighting from the drop down box. Choose none, PKBIX(SI), PXCBX(advisor), or PKCRX(retiree).
- Weighting: choose one of the following options to indicate the weighting for the index or share price.
- Fixed percentage for all participants: select and enter the applicable fixed percentage if the same percentage weighting is used for all participants.
- Varies Based Upon Reported Amount: select if the weighting varies by Person based on a Reported Amount field and then choose the Reported Amount name from the drop down box.
- Variable Interest Rate Parameters: this section is filled out if a Variable Rate is chosen for the interest crediting rate basis. Here you define the specifics of such variable rate.
- Rate Reset Frequency: indicate the frequency upon which the interest rate is reset. Choose from the following options: Annual, Semi-annual, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, or Daily.
- Calendar Anniversary: this is used in combination with the Rate Reset Frequency to define the specific period a variable rate applies and when the interest rate is reset. Enter the Month and Day of the anniversary year that starts the reset frequency.
- Number of Lookback Months: indicate how many months of lookback should be used to determine the variable rate for the period. The system selects the rate for the month that is the indicated number of lookback months prior to the beginning of the particular rate reset period.
- Adjustment Ratio: enter any ratio adjustment to be applied to the interest rate determined using the parameters above. For example, the interest rate desired may be 120% of the PBGC rate. In this case, you would enter 1.2 here.
- Adjustment Amount: enter any fixed adjustment to be applied to the interest rate determined using the parameters above. For example, if you always wish to add a flat 1% to the variable rate when crediting interest, enter a flat adjustment of .01 here.
- Minimum/Maximum Interest Rate: areas to define the minimum and/or maximum interest rate (if any) that applies when crediting interest on the account.
- Rate: select the specific method used to determine the minimum or maximum interest rate.
- None: make this selection if no minimum/maximum interest rate applies.
- Fixed Rate: select if the minimum/maximum interest rate is a fixed percentage that never changes over time. Enter the fixed rate as a decimal in the box labeled Rate.
- Variable Rate: choose this item if the minimum/maximum interest rate is variable and fluctuates based upon some index or published rate. Select the specific variable index to be used from the drop down box. Options include PBGC Interest Rates, 30-year Treasury Rates, 120% Federal Mid-Term Rate, 10-year Treasury Rates, 5-year Treasury Rates, any one of the three PPA Segment rates (i.e.,Segment Rate 1, Segment Rate 2, Segment Rate 3), or Corp Bond Weight Avg.
If this method is selected, you must also fill out the Variable Interest Rate Parameters area.
- Variable Interest Rate Parameters: this section is filled out if a Variable Rate is chosen for the minimum/maximum interest rate basis. Here you define the specifics of such variable rate.
- Reset Frequency: indicate the frequency upon which the minimum/maximum interest rate is reset. Choose from the following options: Annual, Semi-annual, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, or Daily.
- Calendar Anniversary: this is used in combination with the Rate Reset Frequency to define the specific period a variable rate applies and when the minimum/maximum interest rate is reset. Enter the Month and Day of the anniversary year that starts the reset frequency.
- Number of Lookback Months: indicate how many months of lookback should be used to determine the variable rate for the period. The system selects the rate for the month that is the indicated number of lookback months prior to the beginning of the particular rate reset period.
- Adjustment Ratio: enter any ratio adjustment to be applied to the interest rate determined using the parameters above. For example, the minimum/maximum interest rate desired may be 120% of the PBGC rate. In this case, you would enter 1.2 here.
- Adjustment Amount: enter any fixed adjustment to be applied to the interest rate determined using the parameters above. For example, if you always wish to add a flat 1% to the variable rate when determining the minimum/maximum interest rate, enter a flat adjustment of .01 here.