Looks up a value in a Plan Sheet based upon the column and row parameters provided. If there is not an exact match to the lookup value, DB Precision returns the value associated with the next-lowest lookup value.
VLOOKUP(Row, "SheetName", Column)
Row: the value to use when determining which row to lookup.
"SheetName": the name of the sheet in which to lookup.
Column: the value to use when determining which column to lookup. To reference the first column in the table, enter a 1 here, second column, enter 2 here, etc.
VLOOKUP(vestingService, "vestingSchedule", 1) will return the value in the vesting schedule based upon the next lowest value of vestingService
VLOOKUP(MONTHDIFF(ACD,NRD), "earlyFactorTable", 1) will return the early factor for a table which varies by months early