The following formula operands are available when writing a formula in DB Precision:
- ACD: Annuity Commencement Date specified when the calculation or export was run.
- ACCOUNTAMOUNTPRIMARYID: Account transaction Reported Amount primary additional identifier. Note: this only applies to Account Transaction Formulas.
- ACCOUNTAMOUNTSECONDARYID: Account transaction Reported Amount secondary additional identifier. Note: this only applies to Account Transaction Formulas.
- ACCOUNTAMOUNTTHIRDID: Account transaction Reported Amount third additional identifier. Note: this only applies to Account Transaction Formulas.
- BALANCEBOP: Account transaction beginning of period balance. Note: this only applies to Account Transaction Formulas.
- BIS: Break-In-Service. Note: only applicable with the Service Provision Break-In-Service formula box.
- CADOB: Primary Contingent Annuitant (beneficiary) Date of Birth.
- CADOD: Primary Contingent Annuitant (beneficiary) Date of Death.
CATYPE: Primary Contingent Annuitant type. Returns one of the following values based upon beneficiary type:
- 0: No Contingent Annuitant
- 1: Spouse
- 2: Ex-Spouse
- 3: Child
- 4: Other
- CALCDATE: Internal system calculation date. Note: this is not always the calculation date that was input when the calculation or export was run. It can float in certain situations such as when referred to by an Account Transaction or from within a service reported amount override. In addition, it is capped at the greater of DOT and CALCDATEINPUT unless in a formula that is referenced by a CALCULATE function.
- CALCDATEBASIC: same as CALCDATE but not subject to any limitations based up DOT or CALCDATEINPUT.
- CALCDATEINPUT: Calculation date specified by user.
- CSD: Participant Credited Service Date.
- DOB: Participant Date of Birth.
- DOD: Participant Date of Death.
- DOH: Participant Date of Hire.
- DOHLATEST: Latest Participant Date of Hire as of the Calculation Date.
- DOP: Participant Date of Participation in the plan.
- DOT: Participant Date of Termination.
- DOTLATEST: Participant latest Date of Termination as of the Calculation Date.
- EECPDATE: Account Determination Date specified when the calculation or export was run.
- FALSE: The value of false (0).
- LOOP_COUNT: Indicates the current loop iteration (starting with 0) within a DOLOOP function.
- LOOP_VALUEPRIOR: Indicates the value of the prior loop iteration within a DOLOOP function.
- LOOP_VALUEACCUMPRIOR: Indicates the accumulated value of the prior loop iteration (useful if accumulating some value) within a DOLOOP function.
- PBS: Pre-break Service. Note: only applicable with the Service Provision Break-In-Service formula box.
- PROCESSNAME: name of Export Definition when running an export within DB Precision. This can then be used in a comparision (Ex. IF(PROCESSNAME = "benefitEstimate", 1, 0) Note: all non-export processes such as running a calculation will not return a value. However, portal calculations will reflect the corresponding Export Definition name.
- SBCODATE: Small Benefit Cashout Date specified when the calculation or export was run.
- SNFACCRUED: The annual single normal form of payment for the calculation including all early and late adjustments and limited by 415(b). Note that this operand will only return a value if entered for a formula on the Benefit Payment Set optional payment form screen.
- SSN: Participant Social Security Number.
- TRUE: The value of true (1).
- USERRATE1: First user rate entered by a user when the calculation or export was run.
- USERRATE2: Second user rate entered by auser when the calculation or export was run.
- USERRATE3: Third user rate entered by a user when the calculation or export was run.
- USERVALUE1, USERVALUE2, ...: User Values entered by a user when the calculation or export was run.
- VALUEPASSED_1, VALUEPASSED_2, ...: Values passed in to the formula as operands using the CALCULATE function.
- VSD: Participant Vesting Service Date.