Returns the historical date for a Person based upon the parameters below providing a way to get specific type of dates for a person (earliest employment date for example). If no date is found for a given type and code, then the DB Precision invalid date (1/1/1800) will be returned.

Formula Syntax

GETHISTDATE(DateType, DateCode, LookupType, IgnoreEst, StartDate (optional), EndDate (optional))

DateType: refer to the following list for a description of DateType definitions.

  • 0: Employment
  • 1: Employment Classification
  • 2: Earnings Type
  • 3: Union Classification
  • 4: Employee DB Contributions
  • 5: Officer Status
  • 6: Ownership Status
  • 7: Pre-retirement Death Coverage
  • 8: Employee Key Status
  • 9: Employee HCE Status
  • 10: Employee DC Contributions
  • 11: Credited Service Override
  • 12: Vesting Service Override
  • 13: Participation Service Override
  • 14: Plan Entry Date

DateCode: refer to the following list for a description of DateCode definitions.

  • 0: Employment
    • 0: Employed
    • 1: Terminated - No Reason Given
    • 2: Terminated - Voluntary
    • 3: Terminated - Involuntary
    • 4: Terminated - Layoff
    • 5: Terminated - Plant Closing
    • 6: Terminated - Severance Begins
    • 7: Terminated - Severance Ends
    • 8: Disabled - While Off the Job
    • 9: Disabled - While On the Job
    • 10: Leave of Absence - Authorized
    • 11: Leave of Absence - Military
    • 12: Leave of Absence - Maternity/Paternity
    • 13: Leave of Absence - Medical
    • 14: Leave of Absence - Unpaid
    • 15: Leave of Absence - Paid
    • 16: Disabled - Short-term
    • 17: Disabled - Long-term
    • 18: Disabled - Workers' Compensation
  • 1: Employment Classification
    • 0: Full-time
    • 1: Part-time
    • 2: Temporary
    • 3: Commissioned
    • 4: Leased
    • 5: Per-Diem
    • 6: Seasonal
  • 2: Earnings Type
    • 0: Salaried
    • 1: Hourly
  • 3: Union Classification
    • 0: Union
    • 1: Non-union
  • 4: Employee DB Contributions
    • 0: Start of Contributions
    • 1: Revoked Payroll Deduction
  • 5: Officer Status
    • 0: Officer
    • 1: Non-officer
  • 6: Ownership Status
    • 0: Non-owner
    • 1: 1% Owner
    • 2: 5% Owner
  • 7: Pre-retirement Death Coverage
    • 0: Elected Death Coverage
    • 1: Revoked Death Coverage
  • 8: Employee Key Status
    • 0: Key
    • 1: Not Key
  • 9: Employee HCE Status
    • 0: HCE
    • 1: Non-HCE
  • 10: Employee DC Contributions
    • 0: Start of Contributions
    • 1: Stop of Contributions
  • 11: Credited Service Override
    • 0: Start of Accruals
    • 1: Stop of Accruals
  • 12: Vesting Service Override
    • 0: Start of Accruals
    • 1: Stop of Accruals
  • 13: Participation Service Override
    • 0: Start of Accruals
    • 1: Stop of Accruals
  • 14: Plan Entry Date
    • 0: Entered Plan 1
    • 1: Entered Plan 2
    • 2: Entered Plan 3
    • 3: Entered Plan 4
    • 4: Entered Plan 5

LookupType: this value may be positive or negative. Positive values (1, 2, 3, etc.) will give the first, second, third, etc. date for a person. Negative values (-1, -2, -3, etc.) will give the last, second-to-last, third-to-last, etc. date.

IgnoreEst: TRUE if ignoring dates that are estimated.

StartDate: Earliest date to use when looking for this date. Leave blank or use DATE(1, 1, 1800) if no earliest date.

EndDate: Latest date to use when looking for this date. Leave blank or use DATE(1, 1, 1800) if no latest date.


GETHISTDATE(0, 0, 1, TRUE): will lookup the earliest employment date while ignoring estimated dates

GETHISTDATE(0, 1, -1, TRUE): will lookup the latest termination date while ignoring estimated dates

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