Actuarially reduces an annuity from the normal date to the early date.

Do not use this function if the underlying actuarial basis uses segment rates. For these calculations, you should instead use a ratio of annuity factors.

Formula Syntax

GETEARLYADJUST(EarlyDate, NormalDate, BasisDate, "AnnuityDef", Method)

EarlyDate: the date to which the reduction is applied.

NormalDate: the date from which to reduce.

BasisDate: the date on which actuarial equivalence should be determined (only applies if actuarial basis uses variable interest or mortality).

"AnnuityDef": name of the annuity factor that specifies the payment parameters of the annuity being reduced. This name must be enclosed in quotes.

Method: indicates which method should be used when developing the reduction factor as follows:

  • 0: Mortality and Interest
  • 1: Interest Only
  • 2: Mortality but only interest during the accumulation period
  • 3: Ratio of Nx
  • 4: Interpolated integer-age increase factors

GETEARLYADJUST(ACD, NRD, ACD, "annuity_LRF", 3) returns a reduction factor from NRD to ACD.

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