Returns the latest chosen benefit value as of the specified date.

Formula Syntax

GETBENLATEST(Date, AmountCode, IgnoreLumpSum, IgnoreDef)

Date: the date as of which the latest benefit is to be retrieved. Leave this equal to either 0 or the date 1/1/1800 to retrieve the latest of all amounts.

AmountCode: please refer to the following to determine amount type.

  • 0: Annual Benefit - Gross
  • 1: Annual Benefit - Non-taxable
  • 2: Annual Benefit - Taxable
  • 3: Federal Withholding
  • 4: State Withholding
  • 5: Local Withholding
  • 6: Medical Withholding
  • 7: Other Withholding
  • 8: Net Benefit Amount
  • 9: Payment Start Date (ACD)
  • 10: Benefit Type (Unknown, Retirement, etc.)
  • 11: Form of Payment
  • 12: Years Certain
  • 13: Contingent Annuitant Benefit Fraction (CAF)
  • 14: Annual Benefit - Initial (without COLAs)
  • 15: Stop Date
  • 16: Annual Benefit - Participant Only
  • 17: Annual Benefit - Beneficiary Only
  • 18: Annual Benefit - Both
  • 19: Non-level Benefit - Change Date
  • 20: Non-level Benefit - Annual Final Amount

IgnoreLumpSum: if this value equals 1 or TRUE, lump sum benefits will be ignored when retrieving the latest benefit.

IgnoreDef: if this value equals 1 or TRUE, deferred benefits will be ignored when retrieving the latest benefit.

DynamicInd (optional): if this value equals 1 or TRUE, other data items such as beneficiary date of birth will be examined to potentially override values returned. For example with a Joint and Survivor annuity, if the beneficiary has deceased, the benefit will be treated similar to a life annuity.<>br<>
Additionally, when set to 1 or TRUE, the benefit level will reflect the benefit level at the Date input. When set to 0 or FALSE, the benefit amount will reflect the latest benefit level regardless of Date input.

IgnoreAnnuity: if this value equals 1 or TRUE, annuity benefits will be ignored when retrieving the latest benefit.

Index (optional): if blank, 0 or 1, will pull the latest benefit value. 2 (or higher) will pull the second latest value. Negative values can be used to pull in the opposite direction (ex. -1 for first value).


GETBENLATEST(0, 0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE): will retrieve the latest gross annual benefit ignoring lump sums and deferred benefits

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