Rounds a date based upon the rounding type, unit, and anniversary that is specified.

Formula Syntax

DATEROUND(Date, RoundType, RoundUnit, AnnivMonth, AnnivDay)

Date: the date to be rounded (CALCDATE for example).

RoundType: this value can be specified in accordance with the following table:

  • 0: none
  • 1: next-lowest period date
  • 2: nearest date
  • 3: next-highest period date
  • 4: next-highest-coinciding period date: does not round up if date already falls on period start date
  • 5: current period end date: day before next period start date

RoundUnit: this value can be specified in accordance with the following table:

  • 0: none
  • 1: year
  • 2: half-year
  • 3: quarter-year
  • 4: month

AnnivMonth: the integer value of the month that defines the start of the calendar for purposes of rounding (1-12).

AnnivDay: the integer value of the day that defines the start of the calendar for purposes of rounding (1-31).


DATEROUND(DATE(2,5,2017), 4, 3, 1, 1) will return the internal system value the date 04/01/2017 (20170401).

DATEROUND(DATE(1,1,2017), 4, 3, 1, 1) will return the internal system value the date 01/01/2017 (20170101).

DATEROUND(DATE(2,5,2017), 4, 3, 1, 15) will return the internal system value the date 04/15/2017 (20170415).

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